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Mr Cameron-How to fıx Great Brıtaın


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Grumpies of the world unite


Subject: Dear Mr. Cameron


This is simplicity itself.

Which is obviously why politicions cant figure it out!!!!!!

Please read to the end.



Dear Mr. Cameron,


Please find below our suggestion for fixing England's economy.


Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the

money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.


You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:


There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force.


Pay them £1 million each severance for early retirement with the

following stipulations:



1) They MUST retire.


Ten million job openings - unemployment fixed


2) They MUST buy a new British car.

Ten million cars ordered - Car Industry fixed



3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage -


Housing Crisis fixed



4) They MUST send their kids toschool/college/university -


Crime rate fixed



5) They MUST buy £100 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week .....


and there's your money back in duty/tax etc



6) Instead of stuffing around with the carbon emissions trading scheme

that makes us pay for the major polluters, tell the greedy bastards to

reduce their pollution emissions by 75% within 5 years or we shut them



It can't get any easier than that!




P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back

their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances

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I prefer Billy Connolly's idea of Canibalism...


First we eat the Old - Pensions Sorted


Then we eat the Unemployed - Unemployment Sorted


Then we eat the prisoners - Prison overcrowding and crime sorted ( all new criminals eaten too)


Then we eat the Bankers - Doesn't really solve anything but will taste great!


etc etc


Simples :thumbs:

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A few of my friend and I were talking about certain things like this and we come up with an idea to reduce fees we pay for prisons and it could help the nhs also.

This Is our idea

If there is a man or woman in jail for a brutal crime ( perverts / murderers / certain other crimes) they should be striped of the human rights ( as in my opinion there not human ) .

Then let's say granda John ( good honest man ) need a new heart and it will greatly prolong his life,

they should use the criminals as organ doner's and give granda John his or her heart .

The benefits

- We wouldn't pay for them to be house and fed for long

- nhs would never be short of organs or blood that they need

- good honest people would get help and prolong there lifes

- scientists would have subjects to test things on .

- Bet you the crime rate would almost disappear as there would be a real deterrent


As for the money situation

- hit the career dolies harder make it harder for them to survive ( am saying this because i go to work graft me arse off and someone I no is claiming half my wage 15k a year in benefits just because they decide to become a baby machine ) in my opinion if you cant afford to support a child why bring it in the world and why should I pay to support anyone else kid ?

- Benifits do have there place but need to be subject to tighter controls

- they should up the national minimum wage to make it more attractive to work.


- put a cap on banks bonuses and make them earn there money instead of letting them get away with basically gambling peoples money with no consequences .


- stop immigration fully by tighter boarder controls , do a sweep of the country and ship them back out no matter what there excuse is ( do you no they can claim for up to 4 children that are not even in this country )

- we need to turn in to australia


Last but not least stop getting involved with other country's we need to sort our selfs out before helping Libya and @*!# .


Rant Over :rant: ( this is my and my friends opinion and not one of this site)

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mike do you work for the EDL? ;)


i here that a certain british party needs a new leader now nick griffiths has been rendered politically impotent? ;)


a little extreme the views and some a little miss placed, but they do sound tempting. :lol:


we need a system that is fair and honest, and at the moment it doesnt exisit, previous parties have built up a country dependent on benefits, and its not something you can just cut off, how ev er tempting that is, also immigration is not an evil thing and can have huge benefits to this country, but it has to be closely monitored and controlled.

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Haha am not as bad as bnp ( have you seen them on tv most of them are chavs that don't even no why they are there they just want to fight someone and if there's no one to fight they will fight with each other idiots :lol: )

I actually work for a contractor of hmrc / inland revenue / dwp

And my views might not exactly have came across as I wanted them to But I am well informed in what has ****ed this country .

I am also not a racist as I have friends of different colour and race and see people for people not skin or beliefs but even these friends are agreeing that immigration is past the point of being a good thing and if you include the illegals in the figure they would go off the chart.

This debate can go on for years as everyone has a different opinion and I respect that :thumbs:

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Haha am not as bad as bnp ( have you seen them on tv most of them are chavs that don't even no why they are there they just want to fight someone and if there's no one to fight they will fight with each other idiots :lol: )

I actually work for a contractor of hmrc / inland revenue / dwp

And my views might not exactly have came across as I wanted them to But I am well informed in what has **** this country .

I am also not a racist as I have friends of different colour and race and see people for people not skin or beliefs but even these friends are agreeing that immigration is past the point of being a good thing and if you include the illegals in the figure they would go off the chart.

This debate can go on for years as everyone has a different opinion and I respect that :thumbs:


i was only pulling your leg, ;)


i agree we are in a dire strate, and all politicians keep doing is sticking a plaster on things when really it needs to be ripped out and started a fresh.


remove the welfare state completely, and replace it with a sytem where you can only take out if you've put in. the longer you've put in the more your intitled to take out. if people want to do nothing on the wellfare state swap money handouts for coupons. i.e. they are given enough to feed themselves with and thats it. they cant then spend it on fags and booze and be down the pub every day.


if your from abroad and your not working then go home, if they are working and paying their taxes, then please stay and enjoy our country. if you commit a crime, and your on a visa, then instant deportation.


like you say the discussion and the list of what to do could go on for ever. :blush:

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I have been an immigrant in another country before, twice in fact, how do you define an immigrant? There always seems to be a generalization and putting foreigners into one box and this 'closing of the borders' type approach, but how do you classify an immigrant? I would say when I lived in Japan and in France I brought rich, rare and important skills to their country they wouldnt otherwise have had, but hey that's just me being modest ;)

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i was only pulling your leg, ;)

I no :teeth: i am just useless with how to word thing on computer :bang:


i agree we are in a dire strate, and all politicians keep doing is sticking a plaster on things when really it needs to be ripped out and started a fresh.


remove the welfare state completely, and replace it with a sytem where you can only take out if you've put in. the longer you've put in the more your intitled to take out. if people want to do nothing on the wellfare state swap money handouts for coupons. i.e. they are given enough to feed themselves with and thats it. they cant then spend it on fags and booze and be down the pub every day.


if your from abroad and your not working then go home, if they are working and paying their taxes, then please stay and enjoy our country. if you commit a crime, and your on a visa, then instant deportation.

like you say the discussion and the list of what to do could go on for ever. :blush:


+1 exactly mate u have a better way with words Then I do

Still like my prison idea tho :lol:

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An immigrant is classed as any person moving from one country to another for a permanent residency weather it is by visa , claiming asylum or illegally entering .


Like said before we don't have a problem if the people Come with skills that would benefit our country but sadly most don't .

most get to France and are giving written scripts in there language to exactly what to say and how to work the system if there caught .

Once there in it's to late as all the police do is tell them to come back for a court date and what happens they go missing .

I don't begrudge any one a living or to travel and see the world but the country is no longer look after it's self and it's people .

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Again I think this definition of immigrant that has worth is ambiguous. What if someone comes from India and works 18 hours a day in a shop his uncle twice removed or whatever owns? That's more effort than most 'natives' would be bothered to put in yet he has arrived lacking skills and contributes to the country. We always see people of african or asian origin working the 'dirty' jobs, but not because they lack skill but because they are jobs most native born wont consider - good on them for putting in the effort to earn a wage I say. For every illegal immigrant there are five times as many natives living here who were born here who are taking-the-michael and claiming illegal benefits or just being damn lazy and relying on the tax payer to fun their pint down the pub every day because their big toe has been too swollen to work for six years. /endrant :rant:

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There a loads of hypothetical situations that you can go through and there would be many different opinions depending on the person you ask .

We said earlyer if they were willing to contribute to the system then yeah why not but there still has to be a limit

I agree about people not wanting to work that's what I ment when I was talking about " career dolies"

As for your Statement about African and Asians , you couldn't be further off the Mark I no quite a few Africans / Asian people and every single one has a high payed job two of them have GTR's and that's down to there willingness to learn and better them selves , they came here with a basic knowledge of cars and worked for two year just to earn the money to put there selves through collage and uni now they have a good job and like I said two have there own company GTR's the lot. Even the one's that don't have brilliant jobs have a choice to do something about it in this country and go through education .

I don't begrude anyone aliving but they must contribute legally to the system like the rest of us.

if you try and go to there country and try to do what they do here then you wouldn't get a lickin of a dog if your no use to them they don't want you .

I worked in dubai for a few month as an engineer and even if they do need you they treat you like @*!# and there's nothing u can do about it imagine doing that here it would cause and up roar but over there your just a tool once u have finished your job your no longer any use and they couldnt care if you die in a ditch at the side of the road .

Where do you get your figures from ? As I think there slightly incorrect but can check for you when I get back to work on Tuesday ?

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I'm not going to get into a debate on this, had it too many times before. But my comment really was aimed at this 'close the borders' style approach to immigration which is nonsense. Also the 'coming to the country with skills' as quoted above is also something you cannot classify or pick and choose when allocating who is a legal immigrant. I agree with you that working abroad is tough and you get treated like an alien, Dubai must have been tough I had to live in Tokyo, for a couple of years rather than a couple of months. Then you get a real feel for what it's like to be excluded from society - and for that reason that is something we should NOT do to other people.


On the issue of 'illegals' often they have had to go the 'snake head' route or similar. The problem is that these immigration gangs hold them under a hand of steel after promising a land of riches, yet you rarely see anything being done about the root cause of the problem its always about the end product which is the people who are simply deported which is just a patch over the real problem.


:wacko: haha ended up still writing loads, I guess my point was that its not a simple solution. There should be not single bucket of immigration or indeed two where you are legal or not based on 'bringing skills', and I often find a lot of views on immigration very one dimensional when they haven't been an immigrant themselves.

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some interesting points raised above,


maybe a re address on immigration to something like working visa's; if people want to come here they can freely apply for say a 6 or 12 month visa. at the end of that time, review it, if they are working and legally paying into the system, then it can be an easy extension to another 6 months. keep reviewing every 6 months, if after say 5 years they ahve been in constant/steady employment and have paid their way, then offer them a british passport. or an extended 5 year visa.


i don't mind who comes from where and who does what in the UK for me, its just a case of making sure everyone contributes. no contribution no taking out of the government honey pot. and this goes for the natives of this country as well.if you've never paid NI or tax then your eligability to the NHS should be removed as should all benefits. therotically everyone should be able to use all we have to offer for free. all it takes is the determination to get a job and keep it. to many of our lazy dole claimers won't bother doing something like working in KFC as its seems like to much hard work. or they could actually get more for being on benefits, so whats the point of working.


we make it for to kushy over here. remove the safety net and let people learn the hard way.

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