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Can't remove OEM gear knob to fit replacement!!!!!


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Right, I'm having a beast trying to change the standard gear knob for a replacement I've bought (essentially a black pool ball with bright yellow gearing numbers - will get a pic up if I ever manage to get it in!).


I've read up on lifting the gaitor/console and stabilising the shift lever with a wrench and then turning the standard knob anti-clockwise with another wrench.


( http://www.nissanhelp.com/diy/z/project ... emoval.htm is where I found instructions and diagrams!)


Can not get the thing to budge in the slightest! :rant: I've read some discussions on sites with people saying they've twisted it off by hand, I'm not getting anywhere with 2 wrenches! :bang::angry:


Any suggestions much appreciated!!

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The two wrench procedure (one underneath the trim to hold and another on top to twist it off) is the method stated in the service manual. The diagrams just show that it is threaded on, nothing else to hold it on. They do suggest using a monkey wrench on top though so maybe a longer wrench might give you enough leverage to break it loose.

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When i changed mine for a Nismo one i struggled! I used an old rad pipe i had in the garage to wrap around the existing knob as not to damage it and the same around the stick itself. I used mole grips on the stick and some waterpump pliers around the knob. It took me ages to get started but once the thread had started to twist off it could be done by hand. Its the cracking of the thread that it sounds like you are struggling with. Give it some welly son! Well worth it looks ace now! :thumbs:

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  lovaldo said:
:teeth: Bigger wrench and wreckless abandon have done the trick! :yahoo:


Will get some pics up soon, I think it looks great...in spite of clarkies suggestions that it would look too 80s! :p


will wait with baited breath on this one, i was looking at getting a 8 ball with orange shift pattern, think it will look pretty sweet

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Yeah, I'm well pleased with it. :teeth:


It's a fleabay special, it's from the US but including shipping was about 40GBP.


I want to get something done to the dash and centre console now...quite fancy it yellow to match the gear knob. What do you reckon? Have seen a pic of Paul's in another thread and think it looks awesome B)



http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w204 ... G_6223.jpg

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