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ps3 network hacked


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All I can say is what I have said to my friends.

How much control do you think a multi million corporation like Sony is going to have over the media?

Anonymous (Anon) told Sony that they had enough of Sony ripping it's customers off, in light of the lawsuit against George Hotz (GeoH0t).

Basically telling Sony, that once someone has purchased an item, then they should be free to do with it what they wanted as it is theirs.

But Sony threw the book of the law towards GeoH0t, because he manages to hack the PS3 firmware and made that info available for free on the internet.


Anon is hacking to show Sony that the customers should not be taken for idiots, thus I find it hard to believe that they would abuse the information they are accused to have taken.

it may be just power play from Anon to show what they are capable of, it may be Sony flexing their media muscle to make the hackers look evil, who knows.

I know that my bank is really very good at spotting unusual spending on my account, caught it before, so I don't really worry about it.


Time will tell what the real truth is.

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We've both bought stuff off there :scare:


To be honest I agree with Bullet and Phil.


Sony are giving it the big evil but these must be some seriously sophisticated hackers - I doubt they have intentions to do much with the info.


PSN is dead as a dodo though

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I've not played mine much lately and not too fussed. They don't hold your 3 digit security code neither do they have your card expiry date. It would be hard for the data to be used, although not dismissing fraud may occur?


I'm sure Sony will screw things up and lose my trophies or something!

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just cancelled my card and took the precaution of identity theft protection from my bank. May be over reacting but it was a minimal cost just to be sure.


Sony should give that hacker a job !!



As for hacking the PS3 console: Why? To play pirate games ??? now why would Sony be against that???? :lol:

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I dont get the pirate thing at all. Why spend a sizable lump of cash on a home cinema system then push a dodgy DVD at it ? Just stick to video..


I like quality, I pay for it above all else. I like a good movie too. Sure a Blu ray is expensive but I dont see Mr Sainsbury et al refusing my exit unless I buy one every time I visit.


There rant done.

Off for a little lie down with a copy of the Guardian..... :lol:

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