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How to become a petrol head? :)


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Due to a change in job circumstance I may have a bit more disposable income free (but only a bit!) and the zed is now fully paid for so am considering one of 3 things:


1) Buy a newer facelift zed to replace my current 54 plate (maybe try and get a part ex against someone who's looking to release some money from their newer one). I've always wanted one in black and only brought the sunset as it was a crazy good deal. That said, the sunset has really grown on me! I would then change the alloys and maybe a subtle body kit.


2) Hold fire until I can get a 370z for around £16/17k


3) Keep my current zed and mod it with either a twin turbo kit or supercharger and body kit + new alloys etc. This would be my favorite option but I couldn't justify paying hundreds of pounds for the labour so would want to do the work myself and also use the opportunity to learn about the car. My problem with this is that I know absolutely nothing about car engines so would be a very steep learning curve. My question is I suppose, how feasible is it to go from a complete n00b to being competent enough to actually know what Im talking about when it comes to mods and to be able to install a supercharger or twin turbo kit and all the extra tweaks that go with it? I'm very envious of people who can say stuff like "ill change the manifold to the flux capacitor and fit it with a dual core injector" (but obviously something that makes sense) and would love to be able to do the same. I have a bit of space in the garage to work on the car but no pit to work in etc, just worried that I might end up well out of my depth with this option.


Option 3 would by far be my favorite option, but I think it may be beyond me so at the moment I am leaning towards option 2 and expecting to wait around a year before they hit my target price.


Any thoughts / advice ?

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I fitted my own supercharger (apart from fuel system) & the most complicated thing I had ever done on a car before was change an intake :thumbs: (not forgetting that I am king retard :))



I wish to challenge you for your crown... when it comes cars, I am pretty sure I am a bigger retard :lol::lol::lol:


How long did it take you to fit and did you have any help?

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Took me a few weeks working on it for a few hours on the weekend. I had help off a mate who is a complete retard :lol: but its nice to have someone there to hold things, get things & be there for you to swear at :lol:


I got Abbey to do the fuel system though, I learnt so much about it while doing it though :)

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:snack: get a friendly mech to help you :D


need to ask how much do you have to spend?



I very nearly purchased a 370z but changed my mind so have currently got a £7.5k loan sat in my account. (I was going to sell my zed and then use the money from the sale + the loan + some cash to fund the 370z) however I decided that I couldnt justify £23/24k on a 370z and would prefer to let them depreciate further first. The cash has now gone on paying off credit cards etc so just the £7.5k loan remains and I would prefer not to spend any more than that if possible...

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Why not get a cheapish older car (possibly a classic...) and fettle that. You'll learn alot and won't be risking your Zed. Think maybe a 205 GTI, proper mini or even an MGB GT or something.....


7.5k burning a hole..... motorbike! :)

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Why not get a cheapish older car (possibly a classic...) and fettle that. You'll learn alot and won't be risking your Zed. Think maybe a 205 GTI, proper mini or even an MGB GT or something.....


7.5k burning a hole..... motorbike! :)



I had considered an older car actually but it doesn't excite me as much as tinkering with the zed, plus im more likely to put in the effort to learn if it's the zed at risk :)


As for the bike.. funny you should say that, I'm currently hunting for one but am looking for a real bargain before ill buy as it will just be a summer toy. I sold my RVF400 recently and really miss it so looking for a 05/06 ninja 636 in black (incase anyone has one for sale). However I am looking to spend no more than £3k as it will literally only get used in the summer and have already put the funds to one side for that so its independent of any zed fund

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mmm used to have an rvf400 took her in from japan, loved that bike... Ive got my r6 for sale for 2k if youre interested a -00. looking to upgrade to a newer r1 :teeth: if youre into bikes then get a bike instead of spending on the z, youll get far more powder for the bucks. 7.5 might not be enough for even a sc kit if you dont get it cheap and do it all yourself.

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mmm used to have an rvf400 took her in from japan, loved that bike... Ive got my r6 for sale for 2k if youre interested a -00. looking to upgrade to a newer r1 :teeth: if youre into bikes then get a bike instead of spending on the z, youll get far more powder for the bucks. 7.5 might not be enough for even a sc kit if you dont get it cheap and do it all yourself.



Aye lovely bikes, wish I'd kept it!


Pretty much got my heart set on the ninja but thanks for the offer :teeth:


As I say, I'm a complete noob so I honestly have no idea how much it would all cost. I was assuming I could get a used SC kit for £3/4k but I guess Im way off the mark then?

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no thats probably pretty true but you need the rest of the stuff to go with it and fitting it and tuning it so its a bit low to budget that low. wish Id have had space for the rvf but to be honest was to scared to drop her doing trackdays since you cant replace anything on them really at this stage with proper quality stuff. well wear with the ninja :) whatever you do get sticky tyres... any 600 compared to the 400 will be mighty different. the 400 was class on track with lots of corners but lacked a bit of power on the straigts. the 600 does that nicely but could do with a bit more cc, like a 750 or something.

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Download/find the workshop manual for the Z and study it, then have a look round your car, take off bits and replace them(just remember to buy new gaskets!etc) this is the best was to get your confidence and see how the car works, twin turbo is a bit too complex but I will try fitting a supercharger one day :cloud9:

If you can do a service on the Z you have some skills lol :bangin: not the easyest engine to work on.

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mmm used to have an rvf400 took her in from japan, loved that bike... Ive got my r6 for sale for 2k if youre interested a -00. looking to upgrade to a newer r1 :teeth: if youre into bikes then get a bike instead of spending on the z, youll get far more powder for the bucks. 7.5 might not be enough for even a sc kit if you dont get it cheap and do it all yourself.



Aye lovely bikes, wish I'd kept it!


Pretty much got my heart set on the ninja but thanks for the offer :teeth:


As I say, I'm a complete noob so I honestly have no idea how much it would all cost. I was assuming I could get a used SC kit for £3/4k but I guess Im way off the mark then?


Mine is for sale at £4K, leaves you 3.5k for fitting & other goodies ;)

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no thats probably pretty true but you need the rest of the stuff to go with it and fitting it and tuning it so its a bit low to budget that low. wish Id have had space for the rvf but to be honest was to scared to drop her doing trackdays since you cant replace anything on them really at this stage with proper quality stuff. well wear with the ninja :) whatever you do get sticky tyres... any 600 compared to the 400 will be mighty different. the 400 was class on track with lots of corners but lacked a bit of power on the straigts. the 600 does that nicely but could do with a bit more cc, like a 750 or something.



Aye tell me about it, my friend dropped the RVF and it took me ages to get replacement fairings for it. I purchased the bits from 3 different people on ebay and even then they didn't quite match up cus some had faded more than others. I loved the fact that the RVF could be ridden hard and still stuck to the road even on corners. Was nice to be able to open it right up leaving a roundabout whereas when I rode my friends CBR600RR I felt that I had to exit fully before opening up and didnt feel quite so safe on it. But then of course as you say, you get the extra ummppphh on the straights that the RVF couldn't give and its more of a beast to try and tame. I shall certainly invest in some good tires and take it very easy to start with :thumbs::thumbs:

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mmm used to have an rvf400 took her in from japan, loved that bike... Ive got my r6 for sale for 2k if youre interested a -00. looking to upgrade to a newer r1 :teeth: if youre into bikes then get a bike instead of spending on the z, youll get far more powder for the bucks. 7.5 might not be enough for even a sc kit if you dont get it cheap and do it all yourself.



Aye lovely bikes, wish I'd kept it!


Pretty much got my heart set on the ninja but thanks for the offer :teeth:


As I say, I'm a complete noob so I honestly have no idea how much it would all cost. I was assuming I could get a used SC kit for £3/4k but I guess Im way off the mark then?


Mine is for sale at £4K, leaves you 3.5k for fitting & other goodies ;)


Ooooo cunning. Assuming i did it all myself (apart from the fuel and electrics) what else would I need and what sort of cost am I likely to incur from getting someone to do the fuel/electrics ?

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mmm used to have an rvf400 took her in from japan, loved that bike... Ive got my r6 for sale for 2k if youre interested a -00. looking to upgrade to a newer r1 :teeth: if youre into bikes then get a bike instead of spending on the z, youll get far more powder for the bucks. 7.5 might not be enough for even a sc kit if you dont get it cheap and do it all yourself.



Aye lovely bikes, wish I'd kept it!


Pretty much got my heart set on the ninja but thanks for the offer :teeth:


As I say, I'm a complete noob so I honestly have no idea how much it would all cost. I was assuming I could get a used SC kit for £3/4k but I guess Im way off the mark then?


Mine is for sale at £4K, leaves you 3.5k for fitting & other goodies ;)


Ooooo cunning. Assuming i did it all myself (apart from the fuel and electrics) what else would I need and what sort of cost am I likely to incur from getting someone to do the fuel/electrics ?


Requires nothing else unless you want to fit some gauges :) Comes complete with fuel system, injectors & uprev licence ;)

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no thats probably pretty true but you need the rest of the stuff to go with it and fitting it and tuning it so its a bit low to budget that low. wish Id have had space for the rvf but to be honest was to scared to drop her doing trackdays since you cant replace anything on them really at this stage with proper quality stuff. well wear with the ninja :) whatever you do get sticky tyres... any 600 compared to the 400 will be mighty different. the 400 was class on track with lots of corners but lacked a bit of power on the straigts. the 600 does that nicely but could do with a bit more cc, like a 750 or something.



Aye tell me about it, my friend dropped the RVF and it took me ages to get replacement fairings for it. I purchased the bits from 3 different people on ebay and even then they didn't quite match up cus some had faded more than others. I loved the fact that the RVF could be ridden hard and still stuck to the road even on corners. Was nice to be able to open it right up leaving a roundabout whereas when I rode my friends CBR600RR I felt that I had to exit fully before opening up and didnt feel quite so safe on it. But then of course as you say, you get the extra ummppphh on the straights that the RVF couldn't give and its more of a beast to try and tame. I shall certainly invest in some good tires and take it very easy to start with :thumbs::thumbs:

Id recommend to go with bt003s, class tyre.. .not good for a commuter bike since you need to replace them a few times but for weekend warrior driving or track theyre awesome.


what colour combo did you have on the rvf? mine went to france :( collectors item over there, some girl going to use it on track only since you cannot put a grey import bike on the road. not sure what happened in the end, might try and find out. The 600s you need to feather a bit on the throttle but you DO NEED to start on the power before the exits!!! always :D


Ian, stick a photo up of your bike, always liked the ninjas


what endcan did you have on the rvf? had my oem on for resale and then a scorpion carbon can... made that rvf sound amazing.



btw, ask ian to fit it for you if you take the bike off him :p

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