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GM GT Clean...... By Wasso!


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Just a quick note to say I popped over to see Ian on Saturday to do a little IT work for him....


While I was there he said "Tell you what, I'll Clean you car while you are working" ....


Seven hours later.....




Foam her up...





After Claybar...


















mmm... Nom nom!



Getting her dirty again!










Words can't express what this feels like to touch, after 3 hours of claybar.

Kind of like the difference between a nail file and a quantum stabilized atom mirror.... But more so.


This man is a genius.... He needs to start doing it for a living!!!!! :yahoo:

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  Ebized said:
Who is a very lucky boy - must have been a helluva IT problem he had :lol:


Great work Ian :clap: - and another supurb example of the support for one another on this forum :thumbs:

I just pretended it was worse than it was so he would spend more time cleaning the car! ;)


Juts don't tell Ian! :lol:

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  slimjim said:
  Ebized said:
Who is a very lucky boy - must have been a helluva IT problem he had :lol:


Great work Ian :clap: - and another supurb example of the support for one another on this forum :thumbs:

I just pretended it was worse than it was so he would spend more time cleaning the car! ;)


Juts don't tell Ian! :lol:


I wondered why you were taking forever.... to be fair I enjoyed cleaning your car.... it felt like an old tank and needed some TLC. Thanks for sorting my caput laptop.... it runs so much faster now. I think it even feels lighter now that you've ditched all the junk that was on it :lol:




Pics look great by the way.... As mentioned I was going to use my supernatural, but with the sun closing in on your car I wanted a quick finish so applied Autoglym High Gloss instead. I'd be curious to see how the supernatural performs on a GM. Funny thing is, some of your pics have almost turned your car into Blade? :wacko:

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  Ricey said:
Awesome job! :thumbs:


I spent all day yesterday on the Lancer and the Zed.........bloody rain has ruined them again today!

Same here... or so I thought.


Went out in her yesterday and it rained :(


RainX did wonders! Plus even though I was driving down country lanes full of dirt... when I got back, she SHILL looked clean!


Ian must have put some kind of anti-dirt surface on the car!

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  slimjim said:
  Ricey said:
Awesome job! :thumbs:


I spent all day yesterday on the Lancer and the Zed.........bloody rain has ruined them again today!

Same here... or so I thought.


Went out in her yesterday and it rained :(


RainX did wonders! Plus even though I was driving down country lanes full of dirt... when I got back, she SHILL looked clean!


Ian must have put some kind of anti-dirt surface on the car!


Ha ha - you'll find that in the first week or so dirt or rain just comes straight off. Hence the car will stay cleaner longer. I've also noticed if you machine polish the car, it somehow seems to form a better bond with the bodywork, which helps the wax work longer.


Glad you liked the RainX - it's good stuff eh. Best noticed on the motorway, you no longer need the wipers when it rains. I love the stuff.

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