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Casino Royal Premiere- Leicester Square-Tomorrow-Got tickets


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Managed to get some tickets to the Premiere tomorrow. Watching first showing at 11:30pm at the odeon in leicester square. Cant f'kin wait!!


Should be able to see Mr bond and other celebes on the red carpet. WIll be great. Recommend anyone to go, its always fun at premieres, especially this one.


anyone else going?



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  live2themaxuk said:


Managed to get some tickets to the Premiere tomorrow. Watching first showing at 11:30pm at the odeon in leicester square. Cant f'kin wait!!


Should be able to see Mr bond and other celebes on the red carpet. WIll be great. Recommend anyone to go, its always fun at premieres, especially this one.


anyone else going?




Going on thursday. How did you get tickets like that?

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Just got back. Filmn was ace. Saw loads of stars ont he red carpet.


Paris Hilton

Elton John and his boyfriend

Sharon Osborne

Mohammand Al Fahad

Sugarbabes(blonde one is HOT)!!!

Sarah Harding


and. . . . . .the Queen!


And, met and shook Richard Bansons hand after the show!!! and DAMN his daughter is find. ONly shook his hand, wanted a chat but on he went. Didnt even had an enturage, just walked down the street with is family, press in his tail. . .amazing!!



see this film



night night


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  live2themaxuk said:
Just got back. Filmn was ace. Saw loads of stars ont he red carpet.


Paris Hilton

Elton John and his boyfriend

Sharon Osborne

Mohammand Al Fahad

Sugarbabes(blonde one is HOT)!!!

Sarah Harding


and. . . . . .the Queen!


And, met and shook Richard Bansons hand after the show!!! and DAMN his daughter is find. ONly shook his hand, wanted a chat but on he went. Didnt even had an enturage, just walked down the street with is family, press in his tail. . .amazing!!



see this film



night night



Did you have a few drinks too? :drunk::lol:

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  live2themaxuk said:

And, met and shook Richard Bansons hand after the show!!! and DAMN his daughter is find. ONly shook his hand, wanted a chat but on he went. Didnt even had an enturage, just walked down the street with is family, press in his tail. . .amazing!!

SO you met the lovely Holly did you? ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

just watched the new Bond movie on DVD ..really impressed with the new guy.. reminds me of Sean Connery in his prime and thankfully a lack of those naff gadgets that seemed to sprout up more and more with the arrival of ever Bond, since the naff Roger Moore :headhurt:


Well recommended this film :thumbs:

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cant believe people still PAY!!!!!! for fakes , when its so easy to download them nowadays - normally within 24hrs of them being released in the cinema in the states

you will need an unlimited limit broadband connection -otherwise you will eat up your quota way to quickly


1. download a free P2P program like AZUREUS (you may need to install the latest version of JAVA aswell - but the program will tell you when your installing)


2 go to a torrent site like torrentspy.com or isohunt.com , search for your film/porn- you will be given a whole massive list - pick the one with the highest number of seeders- then check the comments of the particular torrent to check quality etc or if it is a bogus file


3. once your happy download the torrent from the site -it will be no bigger that 50kb -open this file with azureus


4. the speed will be slow to start with but after 10mins you should reach your maximum download speed possible from your isp- i am with BEunlimited 24meg and i can get upto 400kb/sec


5.once the movie is downloaded , you might have problems playing it because they tend to be coded very specifically in order to reduce size

you can get round this by downloading VLC media player - it is the best media player and will play virtually anything


6 if you dont want to watch it on your computer you can down programs (again from the torrent sites) that will allow you to burn the movies onto dvd blanks


the more people who use these sites the more files are available


of course it is illegal to download copyrighted material i dont do it , i have never done it , the information in this post is a guide to download un-copyrighted material only

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  janoof1 said:
cant believe people still PAY!!!!!! for fakes , when its so easy to download them nowadays - normally within 24hrs of them being released in the cinema in the states

you will need an unlimited limit broadband connection -otherwise you will eat up your quota way to quickly


1. download a free P2P program like AZUREUS (you may need to install the latest version of JAVA aswell - but the program will tell you when your installing)


2 go to a torrent site like torrentspy.com or isohunt.com , search for your film/porn- you will be given a whole massive list - pick the one with the highest number of seeders- then check the comments of the particular torrent to check quality etc or if it is a bogus file


3. once your happy download the torrent from the site -it will be no bigger that 50kb -open this file with azureus


4. the speed will be slow to start with but after 10mins you should reach your maximum download speed possible from your isp- i am with BEunlimited 24meg and i can get upto 400kb/sec


5.once the movie is downloaded , you might have problems playing it because they tend to be coded very specifically in order to reduce size

you can get round this by downloading VLC media player - it is the best media player and will play virtually anything


6 if you dont want to watch it on your computer you can down programs (again from the torrent sites) that will allow you to burn the movies onto dvd blanks


the more people who use these sites the more files are available


of course it is illegal to download copyrighted material i dont do it , i have never done it , the information in this post is a guide to download un-copyrighted material only


I think I'll stick to buying a DVD for £3 ;)

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