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Can't believe some people!!


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Someone has poured/sprayed/thrown paint stripper over my dads dodge ram, lexus LS460 and jag xjr. All three need at least 50% of panels resprayed. All this in a gated house, unfortunately he has no CCTV at the minute (despite us being a CCTV installers!! lol) so cannot prove who we think it is :blush: estimated £12,000 worth of damage.


So glad my Zed wasn't there as I wouldn't be anywhere near as calm about it as my dad is being!!


Just can't believe there are people out there who do stuff like this for no reason. :thumbdown:

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He sure he's not rubbed anyone up the wrong way lately?


Paintstripper is the vigilantes weapon of choice............its a little too thoughtful for your average chav.


Whomever did it deserves a severe knob glassing though.

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hmm sounds very bad but why would someone do that? Has he annoyed anyone? I dont think someone would go to that effort for no reason.


Still very bad all the same. Hope everything gets sorted

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you still using images only Zepplin? This seems a little odd. Have you misplaced your keyboard? If you have then that was terribly careless. Try looking down the back of the sofa. Most lost things end up there. Apart from this one time I lost my voice, it turned out I found it at the bottom of a large glass of brandy, slippery little bugger.

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It wasn't a passer by, were pretty sure we know who it is but obviously can't prove anything. Same person who threw nails over a few weeks back causing almost a grands worth of new tyres! Again no proof. My dad hasn't done anything wrong at all other than deny access to his property for someone to carry out work to their new oversized and overhanging extension which they dont have planning permission for. So we can only assume that's what it's about as he hasn't pi**ed anyone else off. The neighbour on other sides car got covered too but it looks like an overspray rather than targeted. The roof of my dads house and drive is covered too so god knows how they were spraying the paint stripper over, lol.


I feel sorry for my dad as it's one thing after another, last thing he needs in a recession too. The dodge /was/ sold awaiting collection :rant:

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I had my 2nd car vandalised when I was younger, they didn't use paint stripper as that only takes the paint off, instead they used brake fluid and that basically bubbles the paint stripping it clean off. Problem is the car is deemed a write off because the brake fluid eats into the metal work and you'll never paint over that!! At least your father can get the repairs done. I just hope you manage to sort out the necessary with the complete w@nkers that did this damage. If they were my cars I think I'd cry big style.


It's shocking to know how far people will go to affect other peoples lives. They should burn in hell !!!

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We did some work on a house that someone had poured bags of cement down the drains outside and the man hole!!! Thousands to sort and half the drive and patio up!!!

Apparently a dispute with the builder!! Strange world we live in.


Get some cameras up asap and buy a cover for your zed.

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We did some work on a house that someone had poured bags of cement down the drains outside and the man hole!!! Thousands to sort and half the drive and patio up!!!

Apparently a dispute with the builder!! Strange world we live in.


Get some cameras up asap and buy a cover for your zed.



Luckily for me I don't live there so my car is rarely there overnight. I was worried about my car being left out on the roads each night but so far it's been safer on the road than my dads cars have been off the road!


I cant believe someone would pour cement down a drain that's crazy!!!

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