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your last day... never what you wish it was


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  Carla said:
  Ricey said:
My last day today too dog. Only moving into the next room though so i too have been saddled with a full days worth of pointless turd.


I cant even rim anyones stationary because i'll still be seeing them on Monday. :thumbdown:



He's moving into my department and becoming my PA :p .


P didn't you say you would drop a turd on your bosses desk if you won the lottery, literally climb on their desk in front of them and do a number 2?! :yuck:


No I'm moving to your department as a specialist troubleshooting executive/paperclip monitor.


I actually would use the poo as the cherry on the cake. Initially it would be several weeks of acting weirder and weirder to see how long you could last. In general order;

Week 1 - laugh a big belly laugh (hawhawhaw) at really inappropriate moments in important meetings.

Week 2 - When in trap one in the bogs make really, really loud pooing noises peppered with comments like 'help me unleash this demon!!!!' and 'sweet jesus its got ears!!!'

Week 3 - Use made up management sounding words that people may think are real - I think we need to simoultinflaxitionoiusly initiate that paratainiously when we conclusifax this prepropostion.

Week 4 - Cluck like a chicken whenever someone uses the word liaise.

Week 5 - Wear more and more extravagant clothes to work (still 'work wear') - a bright green suit with a dog tooth shirt and a feather behind your ear.

Week 6 - Dress down day in a pair of running shorts with a salami stashed in them.

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my last day in my old job I was only told an hour before i ended up leaving i was leaving :( he told me he i was redundant then said feel free to go when you get to a point you can leave stuff. so only really had an hour of the last day feeling which i have to say i wasnt bothered about what i was doing.

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I want Ricey to work, then leave my office it sounds like a right good time! haha!


I had to leave my office yesterday, i loved it there the guys i worked with where all spot on, no managers do what you like. Real easy going, but now i'm in a massive office learning new stuff, but hey ho it's gotta be done! one of the lads bought me a cake for leaving, even though it's the same company and i'll no doubt see them all again haha! I'f my manager was in my office i would have at least put some laxative in his coffee!

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