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Beware of Invisible 350Zeds?

4RE Leather

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Well folks I thought I would share my 1st weeks experience of being a 350z owner with you. I purchased BT58CPU last friday from a main Dealer who gave me £1500 more for my Pathfinder than I paid for it 2 years ago. Bought it home from Ruislip to Morden and lovely car to drive. Saturday late at night I went out down to gatwick just for a gentle play!! Sunday well that was it for my Z:( I was going along Hampton Court Way towards the A3 and acording to my POGO alert plus tracking system I was racing along at 17mph. Bottom line is a car turned right from the BP garage across 2 lanes blind and into my side, Result 1 pancaked nearside RAY and cut tyre just 3 days old. Front bumper damage. Needs a new Drivers Door and maybe the wheel arch. A guy I know spent 4 hrs trying to refurbish the wheel but by his own admission he feels with the amount of gunk on there the integrity may be compromised. So it will need replacing and laser alignment. The driver an elderly lady and her 2 passengers all agreed that my car was invisible!!! WEll confused now. Well the lady driver said. Your car is the same colour of the sky a dull grey and I can't see that colour car. I then looked down at the damage and said well thats not invisible is it my dear? And to add the sun is out the sky is blue forget the raining in my heart but tarmac is not blue it is black!!!.

Anyway her insurance was absolutely brillient and has offered me a service that far exceeds my own AXA. Manor car hire in Warrinton (who provide premier football stars with vehicles to wrapp up in tunnels by Portugese drivers who like to pull the windows down to listen to the roar through the tunnels and then not looking where they are going pollaxe a new 430!!) have been instructed to provide me with a like for like car for as long as i like as i am not driving a bent Zed. They have given me a 1 year old mercedes grand edition CLS auto that is nearly as fast as the Zed. Not that that is an issue. However the guy said. Insurance companies tend not to see Nissan as a super car but an average vehicle even though the GTR out performs a Porsha Turbo 911 and until they do we are not treated with the same respect as a ferrari or Aston owner. And the initial fight I had to get AXA to use Nissan parts only. Not inferior parts. They say I am entitled to BStandard kite mark parts only. yet they were not paying and Acromas (SAGA) the at fault insurers want me to have Nissan parts and give me a decent car? AXA my own insurers only wanted me to have a car whilst mine was at the repairers.

The bottom line is we need to watch out for budget car insurers like Swift and AXA as it pays to get a better one if you can. Also get GAP insurance like I have as it is well worth it. Another point is AXA tried to argue is that they wanted the details of why my old insurance would not insure the Zed. Purely because the CO-Op do not insure that car for anyone period. Infact out of the 250 insurance companies on go compare at least 180 do not insure a Zed. I then told AXA that I am going to get the new shape GTR and went online for a quote. They themselves along with 220 would not touch the car so i said would you like me to write down all 220 would not quote insurers!!!

A lot of lessons to learn. And just to wind me up another notch l got a bluetooth module that fitted and works fine but all the female voice in the car keeps saying is Pardon!!! 3 hours to input 16 names. and the 1st name i got in was my doctors and she must have dialled it 30 times. good job they were closed. So although no one can help on the repair front It would be good if we could get some imput on Insurances attitude to Japanese technology that far surpasses our own. If Nissan bought out ferrari they said they would have a veyron eater out in a year at a third of the price? Any help please with the bluetooth witch that constantly says pardon would be nice.

Kind regards to you all

Peter (thenoname)

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All 3rd party have admitted full liability and her Insurance is paying for everything so it's all new stuff from Nissan and the firm I contracted to do the work is ARC at Park Royal North just of Hanger lane at Brent cross. I have used them before and there workmanship is beyond reproach and they will of course give me a new Ray Alloy. Bridgstone Tyre to match the other one and will not skimp.

Thanks for the offers.

As for the Doctor being in the Phone. I am disabled but thought it was hilarious when the car kept saying cancell and ringing her.

I think this is some kind of initiation test from you lot. You got to the car before i collected it and fed it some widgets:):)

Now about this phone. I have the manual and the adaptor i got of a chap on ebay. I slotted it in and entred 1234 and it talks to my Iphone 4 no problems. It's just the female voice just keeps saying pardon. and cant seem to understand what I say.

English is chosen but the amount of times I was forced to use the F**K word to her was real bad!!!

Any one else had these troubles?


Thanks to the guys offering to help with parts.

Had I been paying myself i would have been well up for it.


Peter (thenoname)

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must! use! return! button! :lol:


I hope everything is ok and gets sorted!


Well confused.Return button? Apparantly I cant enter the phone book manually. I have to say phone entry. she says name please. repeat name please. number then I say store. She says name stored. Only she doesnt she says pardon all the time sometimes very rapidly

I have named her "The Bitch" !!


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have bought a roll of acoustic capret 12mm thick. Am going to take the boot mat out and use it as a tenplate. Spray glue it to the underside of the boot mat then put an anti slip rubber matt on top of that. maybe the same for front floor pans.

I am a bit peeved because why on earth they did not intergrated the system like the Pathfinder Adventura I just do not know.

The only reason I could think of is that all the Zeds had a bluetooth module fitting and the sat nav was an optional extra,

They have kept the 2 systems seperate. Bit of a sod when I want to dial out as l am a member of the "Shoot on sight brigade" of people all those who drive and text use phone other than hands free when driving.


Surely there must be a way to sort this voice thing out. maybe the mic is to sensitive? Or should Iearn Japanese.

I think japanese for I love you is Anata ga suki desu! wonder what pardon is!!!


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  • 1 month later...

Well folks 5 weeks on and I still have not got the car back. It did arrive 2 days ago and I sent it straight back to the repairers in Park Royal who I recommended to the insurer? They had forgot to do the front bumper yet the insurance agreed 7 hrs R&R.

The car was washed and polished!! But somehow on the 9.5 mile drive from the workshop to my place it got covered in rubbing compound and polishing machine swirls. The inside was covered in dust and there were dust hand prints all over the dash and sat system. The leather was not much better and the Bose woofer I think is supposed to be black?

In fact I have seen cleaner barn finds.

I have had a mercedes hire car from the 3rd party insurers at a cost of £160 + Vat a day x 38 days = £6210.60 and rising.

I could get a nice little Zed for that. Total bill will be over £15k easy.

The happy chappie is the car hire owner!!



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Ironic really. I purchased it on 21st march. Recieved it on 25th march drove 40 miles in total and was damaged on 27th March.

Think it's some kind of female conspiracy. I only went out because A woman contacted me re purchasing my narrow Boat that was for sale at hampton Court. She never turned up. On the way back a woman drove her car into my side.

The Repair centre is owned by a woman?


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I also take back what l said about ARC Having the best workman

For the job. It transpires all the craftsmen are down at Slough and all the wannabes

Are at Park Royal. I believe there are some reputable Nissan Dealers in South Croydon called Ancaster? Does anyOne know if they are any good?

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I've used Ancaster in Croydon for servicing and MOT a few occasions.

So far I've had no issues with them and in fact they've been pretty respectful of my OCD requests when I've used them :lol:


They've happily serviced my Wolf filter using the oil I gave them and not tried to force their own products on to me.


Changed out the OEM gear knob for a Nismo one I gave them and respected my request to reverse up any inspection ramps if required to make sure there's no damage to my Nismo aero kit. No extra charges and they honoured the forum discount too!!!


Obviously I can't comment on anything outside of my experience with them, but I'd say you're pretty safe with them.


Just remember to tell them that you're a forum member and it should give you some kudos which will hopefully convert into respect and care for you and your Zed

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I think you guys are right.

I am for better or worse a disabled ex Squaddie and as such after years of fighting for betterment for all do not suffer fools gladely.

I do like to deal with people I know and even now I am living in Morden I still prefered to deal with WLMG purely because I knew them.

I was looking through the forum to see if there was a Nissan dealer over this way and it came up with Epsom and South Croyden. (Ancaster) So I think based on what you guys have said they are worth a shot.

I have had the hire car since 27/03/2011 which to my calculation is 50 days @ £160 + vat a day = £9600.

I could go to greggs and buy a lot of cream buns for that:)


Peter :bangin:

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That was my brother's car. His company leased two of them, business partner wrecked the other one. Sorry to hear that you've had such poor luck when you've just got it! And I'm especially sad because that actual car is the one that made me fall in love the Z. :(


At least I can let you in on a bit of it's history though. It was never thrashed, driven most of the time by his girlfriend, the rest of the miles were on the A406 from Woodford to Enfield every day. One thing I will say is CHANGE THE TYRES. Or at least check what tyres they are. Right at the end of the lease contract the tyres were pretty worn, and the lease company demanded fresh ones to be put on or they would charge, so because he was giving it back he bought the cheapest part worn crap money can buy (£150 for all 4!!), if the dealer you bought it from hasn't changed them, then get them off and put some proper rubber on there! Just a heads up.


I really hope it all works out alright mate, and you can enjoy it as much as it deserves to be enjoyed! Like I said, my bro never drove it properly it is probably longing for a good old thrash!

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I have had the hire car since 27/03/2011 which to my calculation is 50 days @ £160 + vat a day = £9600.


.........and in recent news insurances prices have jumped up 30% this year :dry:


Bloody insurance companies don't know their arse from the elbow. Their 'approved repair centers' are one of the single biggest jokes I've come across.


Hope it gets sorted mate.

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