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Nail in rear tyre


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had my rear tyres fitted about 2 months ago, just found out when i had the p2 service that the rear drivers side one as a 2" nail sticking in it, it's not gone straight in but at a angle in the centre of the tyre across on the thicker grooves of the thread :(


the local tyre place removed it, said it hadn't gone completey through just saw a bulge on the inside of the tyre, fitter said something about it had gone across the cords or something like that.


my question is will it be ok or as it made the tyre weaker and could blow out when driving :scare: don't really wanna shell out again so soon for a new tyre :wacko:

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Guest prescience
  Neo said:
had my rear tyres fitted about 2 months ago, just found out when i had the p2 service that the rear drivers side one as a 2" nail sticking in it, it's not gone straight in but at a angle in the centre of the tyre across on the thicker grovves of the thread :(


the local tyre place removed it, said it hadn't gone completey through just saw a bulge on the inside of the tyre, fitter said something about it had gone across the cords or something like that.


my question is will it be ok or as it made the tyre weaker and could blow out when driving :scare: don't really wanna shell out again so soon for a new tyre :wacko:


I reckon you should be OK but it's just the bulge comment I don't like - is it noticeable and in the sidewall? - if it is, that means it is weaker and may require a re-think.


If I were you, I would simply take the pressure regularly over the next 2 weeks and see if there's any deflation and take it from there

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If you imagine the metal sheet inside the tyre. It is made up of strands of steel so if the nail burst a few threads the sheet could have seperated it. Tyre manufacturers and the boys in blue will tell you it is dangerous even after the puncture has been repaired but I know that if it was me I wouldn't bother changing it unless it was blatantly obvious. If it just looks like a slight ripple don't worry unless you intend Colin Macraeing it on every roundabout.

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I had something happen to a tyre a couple of years ago, took a nail out of the tyre. though it would be fine..2 days later it blew out on my local bypass at 80mph..cost me a wheel as well as a tyre.. :headhurt: nearly cost me a lot more :blush:


I personally would never mess around with tyres if your not 100% certain ditch it..after all it's only money :thumbs:

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the bulge did disappear.


prescience, it was smack in the middle of the tyre tread as you look from the rear :)


will keep a check on it like you say over the next few days, also due for some fronts as well :headhurt:


this month it's been p2 service, insurance 25th nov and now maybe 3 tyres, a very expensive month :angry::teeth:

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