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Hit the 1000th post


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well it's taken a while and I'm sure most of the posts and been fascinating, informative, witty, educational and enlightening......... :wacko: or maybe they just consisted of a lot of newbie questions :blush:


Just wanted to say what an absolute pleasure it's been over the last seven months owning the zed, being a member of the forum and making some really good mates.


The forum is a regular read for me. Right from the off it was very friendly and welcoming and it continues to be. The people I have met have been brilliant, very pleasant like minded people who have been a pleasure to know. Wish I'd joined ages ago :teeth:


The meets have been loads of fun, 1 week after joining I was in the seat trying to keep up with ebized to port Solent. Since then its been to a very wet welsh run, a washed out Santa pod, a downpour at the wise owl, a rainy day in Brighton....um I'm picking up a theme here, whenever I go to a meet and put the roof down it rains. :ban: Doesn't stop me smiling though.


I promised I would keep the car stock but certain individuals did their mind tricks now the car has had the panel filter, plenum, up rev, new brakes, new alloys.....and she's all the better for it.


Lots planned for this year with the zed and I cant wait, Wales is just around the corner and all being well a trip down to Monaco in the summer to hit those gorgeous mountain roads in the alps.


Anyways enough of me being sentimental. It's time to put down the wine and hit the sack.


Been an absolute pleasure being part of this forum, long may it continue.

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Well done Will.

All that rain..................... Must consult the team regarding a temp ban for the May Wales meeting. :p:lol:


Don't listen to him - he just wants to keep those quicker than him off his local roads :p


More seriously Will, it has been a pleasure to have all seven foot of you (well it seems that way to me as a short arse 6'2") join us and watch how you evolved into one of our keenest supporters and the the inevitable temptation to modding, although you have a long way to go to match the likes of glrnet and SpursMadDave :lol:

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Well done Will.

All that rain..................... Must consult the team regarding a temp ban for the May Wales meeting. :p:lol:


Don't listen to him - he just wants to keep those quicker than him off his local roads :p


More seriously Will, it has been a pleasure to have all seven foot of you (well it seems that way to me as a short arse 6'2") join us and watch how you evolved into one of our keenest supporters and the the inevitable temptation to modding, although you have a long way to go to match the likes of glrnet and SpursMadDave :lol:


What a cheek :rant:


I can honestly say I have not persuaded Will to get any of his mods done...... I think I had a helping hand in all of them! :lol:


Will is a really great bloke, and I have to say his old man is great too you just sit him down and listen to the car stories :snack: looking forward to hearing some more in Wales :thumbs:

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Ah cheers guys. :blush:


Nope, no more modding I'm happy with the car now......don't need to do anything more.......now where have I heard that before.


Umm wait I might get that front lip wrap, just to cover the chips you understand, that doesn't count and then some tyres, but that doesn't count either...and then........


Can't wait for Wales, looks like we have some good numbers and I promise I will keep my roof up.

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