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If your not happy with service....


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brilliant way to publically humiliate a supercar manufacturer though :) wont do their image any good going out to the world like that


id be mighty pi**ed ( even if i had that kind of cash and more to spend on cars ) if i spent that much money on a supercar to be consistantly let down by the service after buying, id expect my bloody shoes polished everytime i went in for an oil change with the amount they charge for extras on the car and servicing costs


i too would want to expose their bad points to the world

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that actually brought a tear to my eye, i'm sorry but as one of the commentators on there said he couldve flown in a mechanic who knows the car better.


ii i was there i wouldve had the wheels and the brakes off of it for sure. i probably wouldve taken the whole thing


and how gay was that sledgehammering. they were putting no effort in at all

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