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How to remove footwell Fuse Box **solved**


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I have a fuse in the footwell box where the feet have somehow snapped and I have no room by the pedals in which to tweezer the feet back out. So I'm thinking of removing the box to a position so that I may be able to see inside where the fuse sits.


So, does anyone know how to remove/dislodge the fuse box?

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There are two 10mm socket size bolts at the top of the fuse box that will have to be removed.


The fuse box is connected to the BCM so you will have to disconnect all the wiring plugs if you want to fully remove the fuse box.


The fuse box and BCM can then be removed as 1 unit.


Alex. :)

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Cheers Alex. I noticed the two bolts although wasn't sure if they were relative?


It looks as though it just slips onto 4 feet but wasn't sure.


Thanks Alex out comes the socket set!!


I just hope I can remove these broken feet from the fuse box.



Ian :notworthy:

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Well it turns out you can remove the fuse box from the rack using a precision flat screwdriver to press the retainer clip and place a large screwdriver behind the box and fixing plate to lift away from the plate. After all that bother there are no feet stuck in the fuse box as these type of fuses don't have feet :doh:


So I'm now sending the other half out to get me the right fuse!!

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