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I remembered something good today...


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I remembered WHY I bought my zed. Nice sunny day (despite the odd puddle or two). Went for a blast this afternoon down country roads to the gym, only half an hour each way but loved every minute. Since I've started commuting in my little diesel getting in the zed feels fab and I miss it like crazy when I'm not in it! I'm not normally one for driving around on my own on a weekend but I just might have to take it up I enjoyed it so much! Can't believe I've had this car four years in June - longest EVER I have owned a car which says a lot! :)

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Don't get me wrong - I would MUCH rather be in my zed every day but when you compare £70 a week to get to work against £25 you can see my thought process...........Having said that i will be in it on EVERY dry day regardless of the cost in summer I suppose! :teeth:

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Don't get me wrong - I would MUCH rather be in my zed every day but when you compare £70 a week to get to work against £25 you can see my thought process...........Having said that i will be in it on EVERY dry day regardless of the cost in summer I suppose! :teeth:


Oh I didn't mean it like that at all.... I am lucky enough to be able to use the Zed everyday even though I sometimes have the choice of a very nice shed ;)


Even in crappy weather and M25 traffic the Zed is a lovely place to be indeed :cloud9:


If I had a longer commute then I would maybe reconsider, but a colleague of mine summed it up the other day he lives further away and it costs him the same as me to get to work... and he drives a Renault Espace :surrender:

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I very nearly fell out of love with my zed the last time I filled it up,I drive a van all week and thought is it worth the money (which I dont have much of) to have for a weekend car? This morning at 6.30am driving the zed how it should be driven on empty country roads confirmed it was!! Been grinning all day :teeth:

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Still hanging onto it then Chris?



I couldn't bring myself to sell it, I've never been attached to a car like I am with this one. It's not practical, it's not cheap to run, I've just spent £7k on my rented property so things are tight but I love her, she makes me happy, she makes me proud and to see someone driving off in her would break my heart.


Think most of us on here can relate to that.

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Still hanging onto it then Chris?



I couldn't bring myself to sell it, I've never been attached to a car like I am with this one. It's not practical, it's not cheap to run, I've just spent £7k on my rented property so things are tight but I love her, she makes me happy, she makes me proud and to see someone driving off in her would break my heart.


Think most of us on here can relate to that.



+1 Considered selling the zed a million times, but just dont have the heart or the brain's to do it :surrender:

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