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Admiral Multicar... too good to be true?


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This is an interesting thread, my youngest just passed her test last week (19yr old) and we were scouring insurers for quotes, Admiral were by far the best quote, this was to insure her on wifeys FR, it then got remarkably cheaper for a multi car policy, the FR, Mini Cooper S, 370 was less than we're all paying collectively at the moment without my youngest on any of the insurances!


She's doing her Pass Plus next week and then we're going to take advantage of the offer.


As someone said earlier, they charge around 1,000,000,000% for monthly payments but if you can afford it, and pay it in a oner, then it's a great deal B)

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I'd guess they are trying to actively price people out of paying monthly so to mitigate their risk with bad credit. If everyone pays up front, its all done and dusted and no risk of someone not paying. You see it all the time on TV where people are stopped by the rozzers and say they have insurnace and it turns out they started a policy but stopped the DD payments. I guess this now is more of a nightmare to manage, than the benefit they get from charging interest on the payments.


What I used to do (they have done this for years) is put it on a credit card and pay it off over say 3-4 months anyway. You dont attrack too much interest on that, not compared to the percentage they want for it anyway! Now I just make sure over the year I save enough to pay it off up front :thumbs:

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I only pay £50 per month for both my Zed and the missus Clio on Admiral Multicar policy.


Getting close to renewal time on my car though so see what the renewal fairy brings, it always boils my blood when they give you a good deal then a year later when time to renew it jumps up.


I have spent every year jumping from More Than to Admiral and back again etc. It always puzzles me why they offer good deals to new customers but boot their existing customers in the haw maws.


I have always been taught that retention of existing business is just as good if not more important than attracting new business, insurance companies seem to work to the opposite mind set.

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  maxi-glasgow said:
I have spent every year jumping from More Than to Admiral and back again etc. It always puzzles me why they offer good deals to new customers but boot their existing customers in the haw maws.

No need to jump. Just requote as a new customer and phone customer services and give them the quote number. In my experience they look it up, match it then lop say £50 off for the hassle. Had this every year for the last 5 or so years. They always match and most of the time lop something off if you get a bit cheeky with them.

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Im with Admiral Multicar.


My insurance was cheaper by £50 this year than last year. And they shaved £150 of Kirsty's insurance! Plus to line up the insurance dates they have promised to keep my premium the same for the 5 or so months at the end of this year so both insurance policies renew at the same time.


Nismo Spoiler is covered I think I pay an extra 20 quid roughly for that. :thumbs:

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Well after what feels like a month searching for a decent car insurance price ... I finally got a half decent quote from Admiral ..


I didnt go for the multi car policy as I don't have any other cars to ad to the policy ...


I was just going to renew my existing policy as it was the cheapest so far ... but after reading the details it turns out that the reason for it being so cheap is the £1100 excess and it's only for 10 months. :scare:


The Admiral quote is only £50 more and reduces the excess significantly and also covers me for 12 months ...


I'm feeling a bit happier about it ... but it's still quite high



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I used to have just the z insured with them for 10,000 miles a year and cost me £1,500.


I now have the same z insured with them on a multicar policy with 5k miles for £520 and my new pug 107 with 20,000 miles for £213


So a total of over double the miles and it's less than half the price for two cars?

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