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As some of you may know I have just bought a 350z and it's my first "nice" car. My old car got a wash every now and then but nothing more than a wash with car shampoo and some Turtlewax. I've had a good look so apologies if I have missed it. I can't seem to find a list of the bare necessities for a decent home wash. Looking at some of the posts people use a huge variety of products.


Maybe someone with experience of detailing could produce a thread to be made a sticky with products in set price ranges? Like a car cleaning kit costing up to £25, £50, £75 etc etc.


I have relatives who work for a well known trade car supply company, but I don't really know the stuff I need other than a good shampoo and wax. I see stuff like drying aides, clay bars etc. Little help?

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Basics would be two buckets with gritguards, washmitt rather than a sponge, drying towel, quality car shampoo like Meguiars Gold Class or similar, car wax like Meguiars Tech Wax or similar and a bunch of microfibre cloths to buff the wax with.


You can start off with that and then build your car cleaning arsenal if you feel the need to become more obsessive :)

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1 x bucket with warm to hot water

1 x bucket with (correctly diluted) car shampoo in warm to hot water

1 x wash mitt

1 x drying towel

1 x reasonable wax




As BM said, that's pretty much the minimum.


I'd also add

1 x clay bar and lube

1 x poorboys black hole glaze



Getting the paint clean is a good idea before applying wax. I added in a very specific product too. The poorboys black hole glaze is reasonably priced and makes a huge difference on dark cars. It fills swirl marks etc leaving a lovely surface to apply wax onto.



There are loads of good posts in the detailing section of the forum.

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^Thanks Wayne!


Yeah I can help by all means with a shopping list. Tell me your budget, what you may have already and how long/far you want to go making the car look nice ;)

There are so many products out there that are wipe on/off and quick use but dont last long in terms of how long you can get away with it before you need to re-apply, or there are products that cost a little more; and take a bit longer to apply BUT the reward is they are durable and you wont have to re-do it for another 3-6months with a decent wash regime.



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