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In the future every electronic device will....


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have apps on it...


Hi all,


I read an interesting article a few weeks back about tech trends and then decided to write the below myself was wondering what people thought, agree, disagree. etc..


After reading a short article last month on 100 tech trends that might happen this year (2011) I saw one of the trends predicted was more app stores opening and more electronic devices (TVs, Cars etc…) having apps of their own. What the article did not explain is why this will happen, it loosely based it on an idea that everyone wants to capitalise on Apples success and try and have their go at starting their own Appstore


However I believe the reason why with 100% certainty that all electronic devices will have the ability to use apps in the future is for the simple reason that electronic tech companies can very easily and very cheaply make money, with almost no risk.


The logic is this; currently you buy a TV from Sony for £500, that TV will last you approximately 3-10 years depending on how often you change your TV, if it breaks if you move house or if new technology comes out (roughly every five years) you might change it sooner. In that entire time Sony have only made £500 and no more!


Sony then have to wait for you to buy another TV from them, which on average is not the case, people are far more likely to chose another product that suites their needs at the time, Sony therefore might never make a penny out of you again.


However imagine when you buy that TV it comes preinstalled with a wireless dongle and a small hard drive, both of which can easily be built into a TV or any other electronic device for very minimal cost. Imagine now with your TV you can access an Appstore as you have done many times before, on Apple products. If you only buy 1 application at fifty pence, Sony have now made £500+ royalties on that one application you have just bought, however don’t forget now Sony have another 3-10 years of trying to sell you apps.


Applications cost Sony no money to make, as other 3rd party developers want to make their own money hence will do all the hard software work for Sony. All Sony has to do is enable the ability to have applications running on the TV, with the ability to use a wireless dongle to connect to a home network and the memory to save the apps.


Now imagine this idea rolled out by all electronic companies across their entire range of hardware. Toasters that can download new settings to change the way and time to cook different types of bread, Cars that can download new settings to remap their engines to alter performance, house phones that get new ringtones and background settings. The possibilities are endless…and will all be possible once the electronic companies realise the potential goldmine they are sitting on.

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Its the way we're going. The major thing you are forgetting that is the enabler of this stuff is that processors are becoming more powerful whilst also using less actual power, and are also very cheap. You can get chips quicker than you used to get in high end desktops that can fit in a phone now, thats what is driving it. Its easy for manufacturers of the chips to produce a board that has an onboard OS which is upgradable and its not hard then to allow a developer access to it to then create the apps.


So this will likely happen, especially with TVs, cars and home entertainement systems.

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Yeah i think for me what was most interesting was the idea that even things like cars etc.. might be able to use this technology in so many clever ways.


As long as the electronic companies keep there systems relatively safe/secure then it should also mean that it will encourage developers to be more and more creative.

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The consumer likes the ability to customise and personalise stuff. This has always been the case. Remember the Nokia 5110? It had a changable cover and snake! It probably set the ball rolling all those years ago into making a phone an accessory and lifestyle product rather than just a phone.


The apps can offer new features that make the device easier to use or add new features. The customisable features that'd be nice too for a lot of things.


Now, I think the idea of an app store for a toaster is a little silly but having an app store for your cars entertainment system, TV etc is great.

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future? TV's and certain cars already use apps don't they?


They are starting to, but only very limited, i think that in the very close future within a year more or less everything with a screen will have apps and an appstore.


Devices like toasters etc are still a way off but I suspect it will happen.


I am also talking more then changing the colour of screens etc in cars, but that will be the start, it will however go deeper, changing engine settings to get better fuel consuption, changing settings to get more power, changing settings so your stereo auto pics up certain frequencies when you travel to certain gps locations etc.. (just using my imagination)

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