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From A to Zed

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Sorry to hear you've been "had" by this barsteward. I would report this to the police as it seems to be an ongoing "scam", don't want any other unsuspecting people to get ripped off. Also worth contacting Trading Standards or other such organisations. These vermin need to be brought to task.

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  Wasso said:
Fair point Ricey but this chap is defrauding his customers, and by what I've been reading there's a large number of people on the web who've been stitched up.


Eh?.....I was agreeing with you not being sarcastic or owt mate! I find it a most entertaining tool to do a quick searchy on the net for customers who forget that they've bent the truth when they've applied..........had a cracking one today that a quick google revealed that he was a convicted art forger and had been previously sent down for obtaining a mortgage by deception too!


You don't need solicitors or anything so sophisticated.......all you need is Charlie boys email addy and if possible mobile number........then deploy the same advice as I gave to Zugara the other day - gay porn subscription and an advert for a 3 bed executive flat in London for £300 per month.


......it'd almost be worth losing the money for the amount of aggro it would cause

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I wasn't taking you as sarcastic, or anything of the kind. I agree the web tools are fantastic, I find it infuriating when a shoved up con man sets away at defrauding innocent people in an attempt to make themselves wealthy.


I just hope this issue gets resolved. If the business adress can be sourced maybe Andlid could take a drive over with his fellow mates to knock ten barrels of poop out of this con merchant.

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Sorry mate I though you'd got the wrong end of the stickola :thumbs:


Dealing with little companies such as this is a nightmare - small claims is often the only way to get cash back........personally I'd swallow the loss and go down my route.....if you really want to mess people around then designate an hour a week to setting them up for an utter spam fest.


A few carefully placed adverts with the company number or better still his mobile number will illicit at least 100 calls a day :teeth:

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Thanks again everyone for the kind words and support. I will be contacting the OFT and possibly the small claims court in the morning, but this could prove fruitless as I only have an email address to provide.


Ultimately the sum involved amounts to less than £150 and should the above fall through I will let sleeping dogs lie as life is too short. Yes the principle of the matter still grates me more but I am not willing to waste too many man hours on this loser.


If I save just one person from making the same mistake as myself then my post has been worthwhile in my opinion.


Cheers all and :clap: to everyone for being so helpful, this really is a great forum.



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Dont use the number stated earlier though! I've searched the internet to death for this chimp and the only thing I can arrive at is someone put a number on a civic forum stating that 0131 number thats an innocent company in Scotland who've obviously got hacked off with being called about JPerformance!


These guys are in the ether to be honest.

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  From A to Zed said:
Thanks again everyone for the kind words and support. I will be contacting the OFT and possibly the small claims court in the morning, but this could prove fruitless as I only have an email address to provide.


Ultimately the sum involved amounts to less than £150 and should the above fall through I will let sleeping dogs lie as life is too short. Yes the principle of the matter still grates me more but I am not willing to waste too many man hours on this loser.


If I save just one person from making the same mistake as myself then my post has been worthwhile in my opinion.


Cheers all and :clap: to everyone for being so helpful, this really is a great forum.




And thankyou Matt. Much appreciated and it will be used wisley to support the forum. :thumbs:

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I can scarcely believe this but I have some good news! Despite months of radio silence I decided to send one final email copying in the various addresses quoted above. I also joined the forum (sorry mods :wave::lol: ) uncovered by Wasso and sent a PM to JPerformance quoting the above person's name. I was polite but firm and explained that my next steps would be to involve the OFT and small claims court.


and hey presto, I finally received an email from someone called Zara promising me a refund.Two days later;


11/02/2011 Card Purchase £119.99



What I can say?! A huge thanks to Wasso (I owe you a beer) for the private investigation work and thank you Chris I, Colin, Martin and the other mods for being so supportive. I can can see why people like Dan and Sarnie hang around despite moving on from their Zed.


Have a great weekend, that’s my Friday night paid for – well just about on London prices!


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Thanks Chris, I do like beer :drunk: , but not LOTS (Unless you can see my beer belly from Wales?)


To be fair if one member can help another - that's all that matters. We have a special community of Zed owners - the funny thing is, we all step out to help others, and yet we've never even met!!


Gota be honest this forum is the friggin bee's knees!! :#1:


(It's even handy for car related subjects!! :lol: )

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