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Getting rid of a smoke odour?


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My old mans bm has a smell of cigarette smoke which won't go away, even after several months, tried different things on it, nothings shifting it they only cover it up for a few days. I think it's coming from the roof lining. Any suggestions?

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Place a bowl of spirit vinegar (clear stuff) in the footwell for a few days.

Also helps if you wipe all surfaces with a 10:1 solution of water(10) and vinegar(1)


(Don't leave it there when you drive............it will spill :lol: )


Don't call me Aggy :p

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Smelly things in the footwells... Next ul be telling me to pull my kegs down and take a dump in the footwell :lol:


You asked how to get rid of the smoke smell.....that will get rid of the smoke smell.



......and when you post 'how do I get rid of the onion smell' I shall duly advise :p:p

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Truckers with smelly loads :lol: use a jar of freeze dried instant coffee spread out on a plate in their cab to clear out any smells from there previous load! :lol:


Works a treat! :thumbs:


Sorry bout the toilet humour! :blush:


Failing that I could sort you out with a big bag of silica gel pellets! :thumbs:

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Get some agur buthi in there thats the only thing strong enough to kind of mask it.


The best thing to do is to rent a rug doctor or another carpet cleaning machine unless your hoover can do that. If you spray something on it like fairy liquid or something make sure it doesnt take the colour off.


if you do hire a machine, spray the stuff on, aggitate it with a brush then suck it up. I did this to my old 106(smoker had it before me) and it took the smell away. Also if its dry (hardly ever in glasgow lol) then leave the windows open too as it will air it out. I found if you dont aggitate it with a brush it doesnt do a great job.

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Sell the beemer and get a non smoker :lol::surrender: preferably a Zed :drive1


My old mans bm has a smell of cigarette smoke which won't go away, even after several months, tried different things on it, nothings shifting it they only cover it up for a few days. I think it's coming from the roof lining. Any suggestions?
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