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Brennan JB7


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Personally I'd stick with a Squeezebox and a separate HD, far more common and loads of different ways of setting it up and running it. Probably no better technically than the JB7, but the amount of options and Logitech's experience and quality in the market would make it difficult for me to go for something else.

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I asked my mate about this as he works for a sevenoaks and knows about stereos....


His response was 'it looks good but it's only sold from the manufacturer so I don't know much about it. There are quite a few options on similar equipment from Linn, Naim etc and loads of streaming options from denon, marantz, arcam, sonus etc etc.



Not much info I'm afraid but I must say I really like the sonus stuff. :thumbs:

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Hard disks are prone to breaking, I'd suggest getting a NAS box that can run a media server with at least 2 disks that can be mirrored (RAID 1, the disks automatically contain the same data) so that if 1 HDD breaks, as long as you replace it before the other breaks you'll not lose your data... re-ripping all your CDs,downloading again from Amazon etc etc is a PITA depending how many albums you own. The D-Link DNS-323 is pretty good for this.


Then you can stream the music anywhere on your network from the same source using the client of your choice, e.g: WMPlayer on your desktop in the study, your TV/Stereo via a PS3/XBox/Squeezebox in the lounge, a standalone hi-fi type client in the kitchen.

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