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Scumbags hurt my car – paint advice please


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Parked my car in the usual spot outside the office yesterday and when I left I realised that some feckless git had reversed into my front bumper and knackered the number plate and mount. Its particularly annoying as it’s a private car park and did anyone apologise? Did they leave a note on the car? Did they bo**ocks!! :angry::angry:


Anyway, before I begin my forensic examination of the salt spray on everyone’s bumpers, I just wanted some advice about the paintwork – it looks like there is some fine cracking on the bumper where it has flexed and then sprung back in to position. It’s not really visible unless you’re looking for it but I’m worried that if moisture gets into the cracks it’ll get worse or start lifting the paint. Is this likely to happen and if so how do I prevent it? Can you get it patched (well) or is it a re-spray of the bumper?





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We do have cameras here but I cant get hold of one right now (In meeting rooms with day long meetings going on) I'll try to grab one at lunch. In the meantime I'll head out and see if I can get a decent pic with the phone.


It's due a P3 service and whilst I'd trust Nissan (Slough probably) to do me a new number plate and mount, I don't think I trust them with paintwork....

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any CCTV footage.


its a joke cause its a private car park and they must have know they bumped you!!!


Tell me about it - so annoying. Only about 25 people use that car park of which only 4 or 5 park near me. There's no way you could've done that without knowing :angry:


So far the car park bumper inspection has revealed nothing but two cars that seem to have gone through the car wash last night.


Looking at the bumper again I think the damage may just be crap scratching between the two bumpers when they rubbed together so hopefully is very surface. I'll have a light go with some t-cut tonight and see how it comes up.


Photos didn't come out well from a mobile but attached one below to give an idea. (First attempt at this so it can only go well.... good luck people)



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Someone did the same to me in the gym car park, sadly no CCTV footage.


The bumper was left with a hemispherical scrape mark to the top right corner and a chipped number plate.


However, I later found spider web cracked paint so the bumper would need a fully respray.


However, before I got that sorted a stone broke my carbon trim at the bottom and I then found the whole bumper was split in the lower left corner (probably caused by a previous owner hence the carbon trim to 'hide the damage')


I'm using it as an excuse to Nismo myself when I have the cash, :lol:

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