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how to handle this...


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  Zugara said:
Cheers will. I am currently getting my cv out,just hope something good comes out of it.

Ricey, i am able to damage his reputation quite badly, but would i stoop to his level? I have always been told too be the better man.

However i will be leaving without any notice period,after pay day naturally,and he will be getting a reasonably lengthy letter.

Its nice that you guys have given me this much support over this and it really is appreciated.

Thankyou all so much.Support


No no no you misunderstand..........we're not going for his reputation we're going for-

- Signing him up to a gay magazine.

- Sending online enquiries stating his email address and telephone number to cosmetic surgery companies for anal bleaching.

- Sending online enquiries to every fee free 'claims' company you can find to investigate a potential claim for a torn foreskin following an accident in an 'all male spa'.

- Subscribing his email to every websites news letter that you visit.

- Sending online enquiries stating his email and mobile number to health and safety executives about 'a local squirrel with a dangerous look in its eye'

- Putting an advert in the paper for an executive flat in central London for £300 per calendar month stating his mobile number making clear that asylum seekers are welcome.

- Posting a close up picture of your ass to him on a bi monthly basis.



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I have been on plenty of respect courses at work over the years and I find that if you treat people how you want to be treated then you get more out of your staff. I would much rather be respected than feared, in general the more noise your boss makes the more insecure and incapable of social interaction they are.

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Paul i feel for you mate just got told i was going to Canada for 2 months. Got told that today and off there in April May time.


Best option would be to get everyone to park on the road and then when he gets you all in the office as a collective group voice your opinion to him he may then realise how much of a knob he is.


If he doesnt go down Ricey route. Sunday magazines are always good for stuff like that have stitched mates up before as jokes off course with Garden sheds stair lift people etc etc.


If all else fails lay one on his car and walk away into your new job

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I have to say it most certainly is bullying.


I work for a large company and just went through the same thing.


I put up for it for some time for my own reasons but decided recently enough was enough.


As it is a large company I put in a grievance.


Recently had the result of the investigation not entirely to my liking but they did agree with me somewhat and he is now going to be dealt with. Now I know that this most likely means that I could be seen as a trouble causer - but so what - we have laws for a reason so I figure if a person treats you like S&%t use them laws and dont let them get away with it.

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Walk. 100%, just go to another job.


Been in this situation before and as stated by other posters, best thing you could do by a long shot.


He doesn't own you or anything related to you so he can shove the "I own your house" comment up his ****. His name isn't on any legal papers, so this ego maniac can quite honestly do one. Sounds to me like he wasn't loved as a child and his mummy didn't pay enough attention to him back in the day.


At the end of the day, its his company so he probably thinks he can do what ever he likes. The way I see it is you will never change people like this, even if you and your colleagues put your point across. Sure things may calm down a little for a week or two, but from experience this plonker will fall back into being himself again (aka: a ****).


You only live once, so why live in missery for gods sake. I know its easier said than done, but just go get another job man! Sure it's not gonna be easy but in three months time you could be thinking to yourself "you know what, I could be in a job I enjoy if I decided to walk" - instead you'll be going into work each day dreading it. There is nothing worse.


Try speaking to your colleagues about him and see what they think. You'll get an indication on what others think too - they all no doubt feel the same and its their job to look elsewhere too.


You don't run a company by putting fear into people, you do it by getting the best out of others hence your product/services will be superior to your competitors.

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