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pics like these make u understand why u get jealous people keying nice cars........ in fact i wish u were closer so i could make a nice wee design in ur passenger door with my nissan key lol :lol:


nice car mate :thumbs:

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  Ebized said:
So what is the reaction on the AM/DB9 forums to your purchase?


Guess you are missing the ZED really ;)


Not on an AM forum Colin ......... and yes I miss my Zed ........... at least I could put my foot down and know what was going to happen in the Zed ........... in the DB9 I'm still unsure what happens when you floor it :lol: ..... better wait for good weather methinks :thumbs:


It is fast though (and smooth) :drive1:drive1:drive1:cloud9:

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  Husky said:
wheels are facing the wrong way in two of the pics :p

yea I know John .... trouble is if I move the steering whilst it's in position on the drive, I'm likely to run into the brickwork on the way back out :lol: ....... it's a bit tight :surrender:

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  Ekona said:
What's she got to do with it? It's your car and you're driving, it's not exactly cold out and I can't believe the heater in the Aston is any worse than the one in the Zed which was more than enough in any weather.

You're right .... now .... where did I leave my BALLS ?

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Thanks for the kind comments Guys ............. I know I'm lucky to have an Aston, but I view my ownership as keeping everything in order for the next lucky person .... I shall have to let it go when I finish work, so in the meantime I intend to enjoy .... and...........if you remember, I went to buy a 911 and came out with the DB9 :lol:





I still remember the Zed with fondness and, who knows ?, I may return to the fold in a couple of years ......... unless they've taken my licence away due to old age :scare:

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