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has anyone tryed this?

Michael robinson

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To be fair to them the cost probably is increased because you're using their cars, but really I'd want to use mine anyway to learn something like that. Drifting's not really my scene if I'm honest, however there's gotta be a couple of guys on here that have done this kind of thing before I suspect.

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If you want to test the limits of the car I'd highly recommend doing an airfield day in the Zed, there'll be almost zero things to hit and you'll be able to push in safety. Not really sure what's up your way in terms of airfields, possibly Elvington is the closest one I can think of but then I get a nosebleed if I go any higher than Birmingham :lol:

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thanks i might give that a go :thumbs:

sorry but this is going to sound dumb is club msv just another operator ( whitch use the course) ?

was thinking of trying this first or getting afew lessions just so i can get the basics down and if i do balls it up its not in my car haha



Club MSV operate all 'official' public track experiences at many UK racing circuits. However Oulton Park sublet the drift track to Driftone, which is what you saw.


Check out this site: http://www.clubmsv.com/car-home/drifting.aspx


You will be totally fine in your car, and you get free instruction too. It doesnt touch your tyres as its a special drifting circuit with a high glass content, polished tarmac.

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