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my big fat gypsy wedding


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Those arent ornaments, those are antiques :lol: All travellers are loaded. One of my mates used to work for travellers and he said it was unbelievable how much stuff these guys have got. Saying that, they do own scotland biggest theme park. They never talk about money either he said.

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yeah i mind the tv show before and the woman that makes the dress didn't say how much they pay as all cash in hand and no tax :lol:


none of them were "fat" all tiny and boobs, but horrid that the guys force them into kissing, thats a step too far, try that in Glasgow and you'd get kicked in the nuts, i also loved the fact they were so "religious" yet any time they went to a chapel anre were late or something happened they all shouted "JESUS CHRIST!!" that made me giggle!


so to any pikies, i mean travellers on here i mean no disrespect :teeth:

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  Zugara said:
Pikey trash :thumbs:


Found them warm, loyal, fun-loving, sharp, relaxed, generous, self-confident, distinctive and interesting. All characteristics I like in people.


Looking forward to the rest of the series.


It's almost an anthropological study in that, by their self-imposed isolation, they provide a glimpse of what we (mainstream society) were like perhaps as recently as 100 - 150 years ago?


I wonder if any of the older men are going to allow themselves to be filmed at any point? ;)

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  Neilp said:
Those arent ornaments, those are antiques :lol: All travellers are loaded. One of my mates used to work for travellers and he said it was unbelievable how much stuff these guys have got. Saying that, they do own scotland biggest theme park. They never talk about money either he said.


Its amazing just how much better off you can be without pesky things like income tax, national insurance, council tax, road fund licenses, tv licenses, and a whole bag of other things. :lol:

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  Chesterfield said:
  Neilp said:
Those arent ornaments, those are antiques :lol: All travellers are loaded. One of my mates used to work for travellers and he said it was unbelievable how much stuff these guys have got. Saying that, they do own scotland biggest theme park. They never talk about money either he said.


Its amazing just how much better off you can be without pesky things like income tax, national insurance, council tax, road fund licenses, tv licenses, and a whole bag of other things. :lol:


i don't think you'd be better off, you'd have your daughters wedding to pay for!! :lol:

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  350 Russ said:
  Zugara said:
So, where do they get their money from then :shrug:



when they turn up on your doorstep asking if you want your drive done? proper good job give you a good quote :lol: . and stealing scrap metal. :angry:


It's not just scrap metal, they'll take anything.

We could actually learn something from their sense of community and family value, it's just a shame that 'normal' society's contact with them is usually as a victim of some 'endeavor' or other...

Check out this Race Relations Act info http://www.yourrights.org.uk/yourrights ... tion.shtml ...The legal cases make interesting reading, I mean, WTF!

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I worked at a petrol station and some of them used to shoplift something chronic even the wee kids. I wasn't going to challenge them over it though.


To be honest a lot of them were perfectly nice and polite. We had more trouble with 'toonsers' that were total scumbags to be honest.


The money they had in their pockets! :scare: And the car deals..... They used to meet people and buy £10k vans and £20k cars in readies.

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  Vik54 said:
  Ricey said:
Did Husky have a hand in making that wedding dress????? LEDtastic!


Oooo now there's a nice sideline for you John! :lol:



:lol::lol::lol: but what we must remember is that we won't be able to have the lights on any form of dimming capacity though....... :lol:

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