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Ibrox Today


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its 40 years to the day when 66 men, women and children tragically lost their lifes after the Rangers v Celtic game. RIP



Remember it well, I was at Anfield that day, didn't have a car radio back then but we stopped to pick up the pink Football Echo to get all the scores and that was the first I knew of it. Terrible tragedy.



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i wasnt born for another 17 years afterwards.... My family were at the game though. I know many people who lost people they loved that day. We bought something from a guy who was in crutches and he was telling my parents that he was at Ibrox that day, His father lay on top of him to protect him, His dad died and he got paralysed



What a tragic event..


Lets hope it never happens again.





We all know who is gonna win today though :thumbs:





God Save The Queen and the Mighty Glasgow Rangers

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