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Should foxhunting be allowed.  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Should foxhunting be allowed.

    • Yes its wrong to ban it and should be reinstated
    • No it should stay banned

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Just being devils advocate to keep the debate going here :disguise: Matt but why should the fox die (and by die I mean be torn to pieces while its alive) because it kills chickens by tearing it to shreds?


If a fox had opposable thumbs and a gun he would probably save himself the aggro of getting covered in blood.......but he doesn't so he uses his teeth.



Why just because WE decide a chicken is more important than a rat do we defend a chickens honour against a fox more than a rats against a cat? Cats bring all sorts of furry little creatures in to the house to play with before killing and ignoring.......but we wouldn't want to go round setting dogs on cats would we?


As the dominant species - yeah fair enough we decide who should be culled.....but we still have a choice between doing it sadistically in the name of a pissup or clean and efficient to maintain the countryside.

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  craigo said:
  mattbowey said:
  Zugara said:
When did fox's become a "pest", they need to eat and have as much right to live on this planet as anything else.


All those toffee nose twats chasing a poor fox for miles over fields only to have their blood thirsty hounds rip the poor foxy to death, They should be actually be ashamed of their so called



Just shoot the fox and be done with it.


Shame on all those who support "fox hunting"


I can think of better things that need chasing across a field and then being ripped to death. Maybe one example is the toffee nose red coats. W4nkers they are.


Glad it was banned. should stay banned FOREVER.


Thats my rant ..........next........


did you even read my post?


they arent all arrogant *******, granted some are but a lot are just horse owners who want a good day out.

its kinda like saying all football fans are hooligans who want a fight with the opposite supporters after every match


stereotyping. and it makes you look like a fool


I also speak as I find and I have only ever met total arrogant kn*bs.

I would wonder why decent folk would even want to hang out with the local hunt here. I would like to think that these guys and girls are very much not the norm


Well said that man. :thumbs:


Horses are best found in a tin on aisle 12 in saiinsburys..... :lol::lol::lol: Get them OFF the road as well :bangin:

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vik - you need a jockey licence to race in point to points, and they aint free. and a good enough horse to compete. drag hunting yes, granted, that is an option.


my point still stands about foxes tearing chickens about. thats fine but for a fox to be torn apart isnt?


zugara - i agree they are fools riding around on horses in silly coats, and yes a lot of them are *******, and the ones who arent posh try to make themselves look posh to fit. i hate horse riding, dont mind horses but the way i see it is let them do it.


@*!#, we'd all kick up a fuss if motorsport got banned. let them have there fun.


ricey, awesome pic! i defend my chickens as they lay nice eggs for me :D and i would only eat rat in a dire situation so i care not for them


zugara - dont get me started about them on the roads, in fields fine, they can crack on, on the road, especially the pikeys with their carts. damn they do my head in

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  mattbowey said:
vik - you need a jockey licence to race in point to points, and they aint free. and a good enough horse to compete. drag hunting yes, granted, that is an option. Since when did you need a jockey licence to point-to-point- that must be relatively new development? - certainly never used to be required by the Pytchley hunt point-to-point - I knew plenty of hunters that were used as point-to-point horses :)


my point still stands about foxes tearing chickens about. thats fine but for a fox to be torn apart isnt? Fox is doing what comes naturally - packs of dogs do not 'naturally' roam the UK countryside


zugara - i agree they are fools riding around on horses in silly coats, and yes a lot of them are *******, and the ones who arent posh try to make themselves look posh to fit. i hate horse riding, dont mind horses but the way i see it is let them do it.


@*!#, we'd all kick up a fuss if motorsport got banned. let them have there fun.


ricey, awesome pic! i defend my chickens as they lay nice eggs for me :D and i would only eat rat in a dire situation so i care not for them


zugara - dont get me started about them on the roads, in fields fine, they can crack on, on the road, especially the pikeys with their carts. damn they do my head in

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  Gball1973 said:
  mattbowey said:
vik - you need a jockey licence to race in point to points, and they aint free. and a good enough horse to compete. drag hunting yes, granted, that is an option. Since when did you need a jockey licence to point-to-point- that must be relatively new development? - certainly never used to be required by the Pytchley hunt point-to-point - I knew plenty of hunters that were used as point-to-point horses :)


my point still stands about foxes tearing chickens about. thats fine but for a fox to be torn apart isnt? Fox is doing what comes naturally - packs of dogs do not 'naturally' roam the UK countryside


zugara - i agree they are fools riding around on horses in silly coats, and yes a lot of them are *******, and the ones who arent posh try to make themselves look posh to fit. i hate horse riding, dont mind horses but the way i see it is let them do it.


@*!#, we'd all kick up a fuss if motorsport got banned. let them have there fun.


ricey, awesome pic! i defend my chickens as they lay nice eggs for me :D and i would only eat rat in a dire situation so i care not for them


zugara - dont get me started about them on the roads, in fields fine, they can crack on, on the road, especially the pikeys with their carts. damn they do my head in


:lol: I just posted while Gary was logged in! :doh:

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  Ricey said:
  rtbiscuit said:


Come on biskwits! This could form the basis of a moral debate if you ever are called upon to cover an RE lesson! ;)


as a teache ri'm not allowed to give my point of view, but give both parts of a balanced argument. and then allow the student to make their own mind up.


one thing i do encourage is to get my kids to look at the facts, and not to listen to the tripe that the media pedal. ;)

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gball my sis does point to point racing and you have to have a licence.


and yes they are doing what comes naturally, so they should be allowed to do it. just like the criminally insane should be allowed to do what comes naturally to them??? or sharks should be allowed to eat people and not be killed for it. and animals should be kept as pets cos its natural.


just let them hunt. if they break your property, bill them. if you dont want them killing foxes on your land, humanely kill all the foxes yourself so they cant.


tbh though, rich you hit the nail on the head :yawn: had enough of this @*!# now.

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  rtbiscuit said:
  Ricey said:
  rtbiscuit said:


Come on biskwits! This could form the basis of a moral debate if you ever are called upon to cover an RE lesson! ;)


as a teache ri'm not allowed to give my point of view, but give both parts of a balanced argument. and then allow the student to make their own mind up.


one thing i do encourage is to get my kids to look at the facts, and not to listen to the tripe that the media pedal. ;)


Biscuit in action allowing little Jimmy to make his own minds up -

"so little Jimmy......am I right......or wrong?"


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Grrrrrr Ricey's other half here!


It's nature for fox's to hunt for food. Who are we to say it is wrong? We don't hunt, we just breed them, feed them up till they are fat, mostly in awful situations (battery hens for example) then slit their throats. I am sure if a fox had more humane ways of killing other than using their teeth they would.


If it's about morals and "they do it so why can't we" child like talk ......We should be the better species and not go as low to ride around on a horse thinking we are something we are not and getting a "kick" out of watching a poor defensive little thing getting ripped to pieces ALIVE! Especially when it probably has little cubs waiting for their mother/father to come home with their food (your chicken!)


It's wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, totally inhumane, cruel and totally pompous! People who support fox hunting need to be chased round a field for hours, then when you have no more legs left in you, try to find a hiding spot, take your last breath and watch the 20000 dribbling teeth in front of you ready to tear you to shreds, then tell the world you think its the best way to rid the countryside of what you call "vermin"


Who are we to decide who should be killed and how? Total joke!! :evil:

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  Ricey said:


Who are we to decide who should be killed and how? Total joke!! :evil:


who are we to decide what someone else can and can;t do? i don't like poepl who wear theri trousers below their arse cheeks, but i don't go about banning them.

- horse racing should be banned then, for making the poor animals carry people; they weren't made for that

- dog racing as its not fair to make them run in circles

- having any kind of pets should be banned; who are we to keep them cooped up; should they not roam free?

- birds in cages and zoos should all go as well as thats captivity and thats wrong too.


i've seen a few christmas hunts up in yorksire, and your right it is an ineffiecent way fo hunting, so ineffiecient i don't think i've ever heard of a hunt actually being caught on any of the land or neighbouring farms where my grandparents farmed. most of the time i don't think they even get close.


if we lived life the airy fairy way, life would be dull, we'd all be on veggies and vitamin pills as eating meat is bad. there would be nothing decent to watch on TV as it would be a bad influence, nothing decent to listen to as lyrics with swearing are bad; nothing to do as the health and safety police would have shut everything down. we'd all be walking around in bubble wrap suits livng very dull and boring lives.


bad things happen its apart of life; deal with it :thumbs:

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  martinmac said:
This is going well then. :lol:


To me its about allowing the rural areas to address issues without being dictated to by people who dont understand how its done.



spot on.


spotty faced townies dictating what should be done in the country because they "apparently" know best.


this is what grips my sh1t.

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would those of the tree-hugging, museli munching and fox loving persuasion like to expalin why they choose to drive a car with the highest level of (alleged) planet destroying emmissions and not something in the £25 or Zero Road Tax fund category?


We used to have packs of undomesticated canines running loose in the UK, but they got hunted to extinction as they kept killing the King's deer - anyone seen a pack of wolves recently?

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  rich5259 said:
would those of the tree-hugging, museli munching and fox loving persuasion like to expalin why they choose to drive a car with the highest level of (alleged) planet destroying emmissions and not something in the £25 or Zero Road Tax fund category?


We used to have packs of undomesticated canines running loose in the UK, but they got hunted to extinction as they kept killing the King's deer - anyone seen a pack of wolves recently?


You may have missed the point most of us 'against' were making. I don't think there has been much in the way of anyone saying killing a fox is a bad thing...........bullet through the noggin to stop it being a pain in the arse......Charles Darwin foxy my friend - we invented the gun so your going down.


Tearing a creature to pieces for any reason other than 'this is the easiest and most efficient way for me to end this life' just seems bad juju to me.


Fox hunts killed 21-25k of foxes per year......accounting for 5% of the 'fox mortality' around half of which are cubs who would probably die anyway due to natural wastage (infant mortality if you like)......not exactly a massive impact is it? Its just an excuse for a load of rah-rah's and their friends to go on a jolly.


In my humble of course. :shrug:


......and I drive a fast car because by the time the Ozone layer finally packs in I'll be long gone!

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As an ex olutdoor pig breeder I fcukin hate foxes and the more horribly and cruelly they die is good with me. I have had foxes take dozens of piglets, far more than they can eat, and bury them in their earths in 'food stores'


I am pi**ed off by four things as far as foxes are concerned:

1. Foxes



2. The toffee-nosed twats who 'hunt' foxes

3. The tree-hugging ponces that try to disrupt hunts

4. The RSPC A who 'rehome' urban foxes into the countryside with no thought as to where they dump them.


When we moved into the country we were thrilled to be a part of the countryside and all it entailed and were regular supporters of the hunt. We soon changed our minds when the hunt invaded our land without permission, got horses, dogs and followers entangled in our electric fences , rode or drove their dogs irrisponsibly amongst our pigs causing considerable damage and distress to our animals and then had the unmitigated gall to blame us for having our fences switched on and causing their poor dogs and horses to panic.

The most annoying thing is that they sit up on their horses and talk down to you in such a derogatory manner as if they have every right to do what they do whenever they like.


The tree hugging ponces follow them on foot and are just as bad and twice as ignorant.


I also had run ins with the RSPCA who continually dumped urban foxes in a thicket near our pig herd arguing that it was a suitable place to release them with a good food supply. This only stopped after four foxes were found by the RSPCA hanging from tree branches in the thicket.


However the thing that pi**ed me off the most was the labour government deciding to ban hunting with dogs. Whilst the snooty arogant shits of 'hunters' are their own worst enemies I feel they have the right to ride to hounds, and carry on country pursuits without the interference of any class warfare.

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Do I like foxes? Not really, but I don't dislike them either.

Do I like snotty ****ing twats in red jackets thinking they own the world because their Dad is Lord Marquis of somethingorother? Not at all!


I've obviously never experienced the problems that foxes cause, so why not just ban the stupid glorified 'hunts' and allow farmers/victims of foxes to 'eradicate' them?

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