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Drive to Aberdeen some are blocked by signs until it's too late. IMO it's the same with 5o that hide to catch people. It doesn't work and prevention is better than cure.

Yeah but it's simple, don't speed then the money to fund them dries up.




and it snot like they are hard to spot either


bright yellow and lots of warning signs beofre them;

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Yeah but it's simple, don't speed then the money to fund them dries up.




and it snot like they are hard to spot either


bright yellow and lots of warning signs beofre them;

Drive to Aberdeen some are blocked by signs until it's too late.

Until it's too late? If you don't speed in the first place, then you don't need a warning sign.


Tbh just about every speed camera ever is on a very dull, very boring road or one with a 30/40 limit. Why anyone would want to be speeding on those roads is beyond me.

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i got caught speeding 6 years ago in wales but it was an undercover cop car. and to be honest i wasn't paying attention. my fault my points. i shouldn't have been doing 94 in a 70. :shrug:


i have'nt in the 11 years i've been driving been caught by a gatso. i've driven all over the country and its not like they aren't hard to spot.


that and to be honest you shouldn't be speeding in the first place.


no speeding; no fines; no money; no cameras = easy

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i drive around 50-60k miles a year and in 6 years ive never had a speeding fine. simple, dont speed. There is times and places where we all like to push on a little and no-one can say they dont but if you get caught then its your own fault

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There is a grand total of seven speed cameras in the entire county of Flintshire, plus I should mention the one that is right on the border with Cheshire that can only catch motorists heading in from Flintshire, anyone speeding there is a muppet as its a 60 limit just before a tight bend and a junction. All the cameras are clearly marked and all are positioned in accident black spots. There's only one that I would put into the slightly sneaky category being positioned just after a tight corner, but there are plenty of warning signs. There is a van as well which moves around certain locations, all published in the local newspapers plus of course any number of police vehicles including motorbikes and a few unmarked cars which mainly stick to the A55 trunk road. The speed cameras have also been joined by a battery of flashing speed warning signs just recently. I've no idea what sort of revenue the Flintshire cameras bring in, at least two of them are on roads that in all probabilty are only used by locals, I've never seen any of the seven flash....however, in the next county, the one by the football ground in Wrexham catches loads, it's the biggest earner in North Wales, I've seen it flash plenty of times although not at me :) .


You may be interested to know that the cameras in Oxfordshire were never fully turned off, although they were no longer issuing tickets they were still recording speeds and there was a 25% increase in the number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit :shrug: . As others have said don't speed and you won't have a problem....




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Its a super dull road 70mph limit. I don't speed but alot of people do. You can't see the camera as a huge sign blocks it abd after the sign it'd right there. Speed cameras don't work most people get caught out by accident. Once past the cameras most people speed back up again.


Yeah but it's simple, don't speed then the money to fund them dries up.




and it snot like they are hard to spot either


bright yellow and lots of warning signs beofre them;

Drive to Aberdeen some are blocked by signs until it's too late.

Until it's too late? If you don't speed in the first place, then you don't need a warning sign.


Tbh just about every speed camera ever is on a very dull, very boring road or one with a 30/40 limit. Why anyone would want to be speeding on those roads is beyond me.

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i drive around 50-60k miles a year and in 6 years ive never had a speeding fine. simple, dont speed. There is times and places where we all like to push on a little and no-one can say they dont but if you get caught then its your own fault


That's abit contradictory? Don't speed but speed aslong as you don't get caught lol. I do get what your saying though. But have you never drove in a place you didn't know and gone 35 instead of 30 as you are really concentrating on the road. Then you look at your speedo and think ohh crap I better slow down. I'm sure everyone has done that and it's not like you ment to speed. Even if it's done for 10 seconds and you get caught. You didn't think I'm going to push it or break the speed limit.

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There are LOADS of little devices that tell you where fixed cameras are and likely mobile spots as I believe the local councils or authorities must register sites they intend to use mobile cameras, could be wrong there?


I have a setup on my Pioneer HU that warns me of speed cams visually on the map screen and audibly if I happen to be going more than the cameras limit, ideal as I don't like devices that beep all the time even if you are inside the limit.


It doesn't matter if you know the area or not it is your own fault if you get caught unfortunately...


There is a great gatso on the A2 near me, it is on a blind bend just after an underpass and if you did not know it was there you would be caught everytime, likewise one on Gravel Hill in Bexleyheath, it is at the bottom of a real incline so you have to sit on your brakes just to get past it... but no point bitching about them is there?


My missus got caught in Bromley and went on the awareness course and although she said the guy running it was a pompous self righteous prick, he did have a point when he said that speed limits are just that, a LIMIT not a target :clap:

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dblock i get what your saying, but if your not paying attention then its kind of your own fault. i tend to go slower if im in an unknown area.


the speed limit is the maximum speed not the guide speed.



I see with what your saying but coming back to my main point is that alot of them are hidden. Now I dont speed but some people do knowingly or not. Now IMO they shouldnt be put in sneaky places to catch you they should be very visible and stop you from speeding. Same thing with police cars that hide to catch people IMO its wrong. They should park in a visible place so people will see them and slow down. Prevention is better than cure.


Dave im not "bitching" as I dont speed im just saying that the way the work is wrong and they clearly dont work if you need devices to tell you where they are. If you drove the limit why would you need one? ;)

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dblock i get what your saying, but if your not paying attention then its kind of your own fault. i tend to go slower if im in an unknown area.


the speed limit is the maximum speed not the guide speed.



I see with what your saying but coming back to my main point is that alot of them are hidden. Now I dont speed but some people do knowingly or not. Now IMO they shouldnt be put in sneaky places to catch you they should be very visible and stop you from speeding. Same thing with police cars that hide to catch people IMO its wrong. They should park in a visible place so people will see them and slow down. Prevention is better than cure.


Dave im not "bitching" as I dont speed im just saying that the way the work is wrong and they clearly dont work if you need devices to tell you where they are. If you drove the limit why would you need one? ;)


Yeah I do agree that they shouldn't be hidden but unfortunately it's too late for that argument as they are already there! All I meant was because they ARE hidden in some places you need a device if you are unfamiliar with the area as it is very easy to move with traffic and slip over 30mph...


We should really think ourselves lucky in some ways, I was talking to my brother-in-law who lives in Perth Australia and over there they have wheelie bin cameras and all sorts. He said they put them out on Bank Holidays, one on the Sydney Harbour Bridge on Australia Day made $100,000 in a weekend :scare:


Speed cameras are a fact of life, you just have to accept it and thats that, we all know that they don't prevent accidents particularly and are a money making scheme but my point was you don't have to be a part of it ;)

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Not for me no speed cameras round here. Only going to Aberdeen and Glasgow. They tried here but the ended up scrapping the idea. I heard that putting up more speed cameras in Scotland was illegal. Alot of people feel strongly about not wanting them here.


dblock i get what your saying, but if your not paying attention then its kind of your own fault. i tend to go slower if im in an unknown area.


the speed limit is the maximum speed not the guide speed.



I see with what your saying but coming back to my main point is that alot of them are hidden. Now I dont speed but some people do knowingly or not. Now IMO they shouldnt be put in sneaky places to catch you they should be very visible and stop you from speeding. Same thing with police cars that hide to catch people IMO its wrong. They should park in a visible place so people will see them and slow down. Prevention is better than cure.


Dave im not "bitching" as I dont speed im just saying that the way the work is wrong and they clearly dont work if you need devices to tell you where they are. If you drove the limit why would you need one? ;)


Yeah I do agree that they shouldn't be hidden but unfortunately it's too late for that argument as they are already there! All I meant was because they ARE hidden in some places you need a device if you are unfamiliar with the area as it is very easy to move with traffic and slip over 30mph...


We should really think ourselves lucky in some ways, I was talking to my brother-in-law who lives in Perth Australia and over there they have wheelie bin cameras and all sorts. He said they put them out on Bank Holidays, one on the Sydney Harbour Bridge on Australia Day made $100,000 in a weekend :scare:


Speed cameras are a fact of life, you just have to accept it and thats that, we all know that they don't prevent accidents particularly and are a money making scheme but my point was you don't have to be a part of it ;)

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I have to agree with others that speed limits are there for a reason. You might argue that some are too low ie. 60mph on an A-road with articulated lorries being limited to 40mph on the same road.


But it also raises the question of why we all bought a 300 hp gas guzzling car? The wife's KA can do all the Zed can and more (within the law). Maybe it is just the look of the Zed or the sound of it when we start it up or maybe most of you do track days.


I personally like European touring and the still relatively uncluttered roads. And when you get into the hills and mountains you can have fun and still be within the law.


Would be interesting to know about the rest of you guys (and girls).



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I personally prefer the flashing boards that show your speed, they're very effective, but that's working on me and I appreciate a lot of people will think sod it and floor it past them. Speeding will always be a difficult topic and enforcing it is even harder, every single person is guilty of it.

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