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Top Gear Boxing Day Programme


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I’ve never seen a more pointless, extravagant, exaggerated and contrived piece of rubbish in my life.

The highlight of the programme was James May’s knock on the head, which I vainly hoped would have knocked some sense into him, and made him see what an utterly puerile, fatuous and entirely superfluous exercise the whole programme was.


I don’t know what the whole exercise cost (I dread to even think) but the inconvenience to the authorities and Armed Forces out there just makes a mockery of everything our boys in the East are doing especially when making light of suicide and road bombings which have taken so many live of our troops. I'm sure that there would be 300 or so families who have lost family members in the middle east who would find this in extreme bad taste.


I await the rainfall of comments and opinions.

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I enjoyed it less than the GT3/F430/AMG episode last week. I think they should scrap the series, and just spend it all on one or two specials per year.


Both the Arctic and Vietnam specials were far better than this middle east one, and that was probably down to the fact that in this one they had to jazz up what was a very restricted and scripted itinery. Vietnam was good even though it didn't have sod all to do with cars! It was closer to what actually works; a buddy movie/road trip that you would love to do for real with your mates.


A good start would be allowing some of these trips to actually fail, the safety net in the Iraq one was too intrusive and too comprehensive.

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I think the programme has lost it's track they don't test cars any more just sort of make jokes at each other which is all written for them, anyway have any of them come from any type of racing pedigree to judge the cars performance? unlike those on 5th gear.

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I used to love it but I remember a time when I actually used to believe that Top Gear wasn't rehearsed and all a big set up.


The entire programme much like all the panel quiz shows (Question of Sport, Buzzcocks ETC) are all scripted from start to finish. Every joke, every failure, every hilarious problem they come across........so what's the point in getting excited about anything? Hammond driving his head 3 ft under ground at 300 mph was about the only 'real' thing in the last 10 years.


Personally I was more disappointed with how kack Benidorm was.

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i thought it was alright, not as good other road trip ones.


and as for the comment about making light of ieds etc i think you are just being too easily offended there. they were saying how dangerous it was there and then that they were in the northern part which is no where near as bad.


i bet you are one of the many who complain about troops not being paid enough.

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Yeah I watched it and thought it was funny. Liked the IED part as well you have to laugh about it all.


Matt I campaign that soldiers should be paid more money may be the fact that I am one but that's just my own opinion.


i was, wish i still was, medical discharge.


way i see it. they all know how much they will be paid when they join. we have been in iraq and afghan long enough now for any who think they are not getting paid enough for how dangerous the job is to have left.


whats your trade and rank if you dont mind me asking?

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I like Top Gear specials but this was a little boring. I don't think it was making a mockery of the work that troops do out there at all. If anything it highlighted the issues and problems facing troops out there, okay we didn't see gun fire or anything like that but you gained a sense of tension that is evidently present in Iraq, let us not forget this a country with people trying to live 'normal' lives as well as the war torn parts.

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