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What HU does the UK GT Spec have?


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  chrisgunton said:
They are standard wheels powder coated black. I actually like black wheels on a gunmetal car - so I guess I'm a knobber.


Can everyone reserve their uninformed opinion for the moment? I'm checking it out myself in person tomorrow.



Your the one who came on here to seek our 'uninformed' opinion.


Have you seen that the advert now says 'sold'?

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  Sarnie said:
  chrisgunton said:
They are standard wheels powder coated black. I actually like black wheels on a gunmetal car - so I guess I'm a knobber.


Can everyone reserve their uninformed opinion for the moment? I'm checking it out myself in person tomorrow.



Your the one who came on here to seek our 'uninformed' opinion.


Have you seen that the advert now says 'sold'?





Pre-emptivly striking against the inevitable deterioration this thread is going to take and the subsequent bashing for everyone by a moderator stick.......let me explain a few things to put the comments in context.


Its not an uninformed opinion or ragging on the motor your lookin at (and are obviously very excited about) for the sake of it mate.


Sarnie for example as you can see from his post count has been around her for a veeeery long time and has seen countless people (me included) get over excited about buying Zeds before they've even seen them, purely on the basis that the seller said it was 'mint'......and they turn out to be utter spanner boxes. Your posts really do imply that you've practically made your mind up on this one before even seeing it.


A million times before the more experienced dudes on the forum have had to make an assessment to give advice based on some photos or an advert and therefore know all the *potential* tell tale signs you can ping from them..........such as someone who can't be bothered to move the snow off the car before putting it up for sale (does that say a lot for the pride they took in the car?....or did they just need to get the car up for sale ASAP).


Now......Black Alloys........ polarise opinion completely on here. I think they look ace (and have gloss black rays on mine :thumbs: )........however Dave in his own......more.......demented way refers to black wheels as the choice of knobbers - don't judge him as he has several mental issues that we're trying to work through with him.


Try and keep your sensible cap on tomorrow because there are some really mint examples knocking about but you do have to root around for them.........if anything looks shoddy then walk

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I'm excited as it's the spec I've been looking for, in the price I've been constrained to, with 38k on the clock FSH and what sounds like a decent owner. It's up for a fast sale due to him moving abroad. There werent any photos at all when the ad went up, and it says sold because It's being held till I get up and see it.


I'll see what tomorrow brings.

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good luck tomorrow, might i suggest taking a mate with you who maybe more subjective as they aren't buying it themselves. i know my cars and can spot a lemon but even i have suffered new buyers blindness so much so that a car i bought about 10 years ago didn't have the AC i though it did in the advert and i didn't check properly when browsing it. i have since learnt that lesson. ;)


as a few tips, when pulling away in it, have both windows wound down and listen out for any clicking, its a tell tale sign of clicky axles or tired drop links. neither are car killers but they will need sorting at some point and might give you some leverage.


check the tyres, do they all have decent tread, are they all the same make and are they inflated properly. if the tyres are mismatched it would be something i would be looking at changing fairly quickly in this weather, especially if they are a crap make.


the clutch when cold maybe sticky in 1st and 2nd; this is normal. but is it still doing it once the car has been warm for 25 minutes or more.


lift the bonnet on tick over, does it sound tappety or not, whats the oil level like (check it before you drive it) has the engine already been warmed up for you; if so i'd be asking why?


look at the wear on the seat, does it look heavily warn if so i'd be questioning the mileage.


check the panel gaps round the car, and check the colour matches all the way round; will show if its had any prangs.


if you can get it up on ramps have a look underneath, does it all look the same; are are some bits alot cleaner than other bits, if so are they new, and if so why?


when test driving try some down shifts like 5th into 3rd, does it go nicely or crunch in to gear.


check the rear back box flanges if you can they are renownd for blowing and needing a new exhaust.


hope that helps


by the way i'm a nobber too as i had my wheels on my old one powder coated black as well.

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Certainly a good price for the year and mileage, also, in the advert it mentions satnav and remote so it must be a Birdview. Black wheels do tend to make the look car a bit dirty and are not really my cup of tea but it's no big deal. After what others have said, I would only add that you should check the service book for the all important stamps, it should have had at least four services by now with one of them being a P3.



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  JetSet said:
Certainly a good price for the year and mileage, also, in the advert it mentions satnav and remote so it must be a Birdview. Black wheels do tend to make the look car a bit dirty and are not really my cup of tea but it's no big deal. After what others have said, I would only add that you should check the service book for the all important stamps, it should have had at least four services by now with one of them being a P3.




Being an 04 car it should have at least 6 services by now :p

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  chrisgunton said:
A picture!


http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/largep ... &current=4


Best I can get at the moment.


Can someone correct me if I am wrong but did all UK GT's come with Ray alloys as standard as the ones in the picture do not look like rays... to be fair I have had a couple of glasses of wine now :drunk: .....


Good luck with the viewing :thumbs:

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  was8v said:
Akaik Rays were extra on top of gt spec in 2004, so not standard although most GT spec cars got them.


Well I stand corrected :D , I should have guessed it would never had got to 3 pages and not been picked up already! I blame the grape ;)

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