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Golf R32 Biscuit Testdrive Review


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Got a phonecall this morning inviting me up to VW to try out a golf R32 they had just got in. i was interested to try it out as it had the DSG box and i'd never driven a 4WD with a haldex controller. so was interested to see what the car was like; hw it handled and if this model of car could possibly be the next car.


Brief Stats:



Haldex controlled 4WD

3.2 V6

DSG gear box

3 door Blue


Initial impressions:-


Exterior: it does look very nice, i love the VW blue they have used and although very subtle the car does have an agressive edge to it. its quite short and fat and squat and does sit well on the road. i wouldn't think of it as a boy racer car, more a gentleman racer or dad racer maybe. very nice twin exhaust sat at the back. must admit this particular car had been extremely well kept; the paint was flawless.


Interior: now this is where i struggled slightly; not because it was good, but because i wasn't used to the amount of space it had in comparison to my S2K. everything seemed so far away the windows seemed huge and this all kind of took away from the sports car feel.


the seats although not the recaro ones were extremely good looking and very comfy. held and gripped you in place very well, more so than the zed or the S2k has ever done. the dash and interior maerials all very nice and the displays and dials are all very easy on the eye. my only niggles were the multiswirl polished aluminium strips on the interior. very nice but not my thing. Also the arm rest for me a key item, as i drive with my arms quiet low and this car had an armrest you could adjust it, raise it and extend it. but it was never in quiet where you wanted it, and if you leant on it; then it would slide back. this would over a long time annoy the hell out of me.


overall the environemnt was nice but i never quiet felt that it had the best driving posistion couldn't get the steering wheel where i wanted it, everything seemed so far away.


The drive:

i was very impressed at how smooth the drive was even when gunning it the DSG box made for very slick gear changes almost too slick, made driving a little bit clinical. it had plenty of grunt and go with the V6 and using the paddles i could easily drop a cog and move it quickly. it was also very reserved in side. you could hear the engine but it was quiet, grip seemed very good, on fast and sharp corners you could feel the grip and it didn't feel awkard with teh 4wd kicking in when it was needed. i was expecting to feel horrible weight shifts as the power moved around the car, but it did it very smoothly. and it sticks to the road like you would not believe, i was able to take a roundabout at i think close to 60 mph with not to much trauma. the brakes though are very strong, they bite hard and took some getting used too. nearly gave myself braindamage stopping at the first set of lights. i think with time its something to adjsut too, and towards the end of the drive i had far better use of them.


The gear box:


its a very capable piece of kit, and when in full automode it is excellent, especially when it comes to town driving. very easy to use. but i foud it a bit too clinical when it came to pushing it. no drama to the occasion if that makes sense. felt a bit detatched form the car. again its something i've not tried before and i think given some time to get used to it i might be something excellent




i really liked the car, but i never got the excitement out of it that i had hoped for, all the ingredients where there; the looks the engine, the 4wd and it is a superb car to drive, but it just feels liek its lacking something. maybe more power, maybe a more violent gear change, smaller windows, i'm not sure.


i'd give it 7/10 as a performance car, i think partly becuase its so different to what i'm used too. i am going to go back soon and try the car for longer to see if it will change my mind, or improve my view, i don't think 1 test drive is always the best judge for a car.

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my friend just got an R32 that she has been saving for over last couple of years, its the VW blue and I must say it certainly looked the business from the outside. I've not had a chance to drive it yet (I'm promised a go this week!) but i'm quite excited as its always been a contender for 'next car'.


good write up :thumbs:

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Think you sum it up well Rich. Brilliant performer, but just not fun. DSG is a brilliant bit of kit for fast changes, but you know what, I prefer my "old" normal auto gearbox (with fast lockup) as at least it feels more like manual driving and more involving.


How did you find with it pulling away? I find that the DSG can be quite grabby when pulling off, whereas a normal auto with torque converter allows some "slip" which makes it a nicer drive in town.

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Think you sum it up well Rich. Brilliant performer, but just not fun. DSG is a brilliant bit of kit for fast changes, but you know what, I prefer my "old" normal auto gearbox (with fast lockup) as at least it feels more like manual driving and more involving.


How did you find with it pulling away? I find that the DSG can be quite grabby when pulling off, whereas a normal auto with torque converter allows some "slip" which makes it a nicer drive in town.



i suppose i'm used to the kick in the s2k the DSg seemed quiet smooth; there was some movement in the golf on pull away, kind of jerky, but not so bad you would be annoyed with it.


as said above it is a great car, and possibly still a contender. i think i've go the salesmanager taking the car out with me next time. the lad i had was a new kid, 4 days in to the job; and he was great, really easy to deal with. but the route didn't give me enough twisties to really try it, and i think i needed longer to get used to the auto; i spent a lot of time thinknig anrd reminding myself to not move my clutch leg. i'm used to my feet doing so much more work :lol:


must admit i had the same thing with the zed, first test drive didn't fully sell me the car,



must admit i am looking forward to my next lot of test driving which will hopefully be M3 territory.

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Think you sum it up well Rich. Brilliant performer, but just not fun. DSG is a brilliant bit of kit for fast changes, but you know what, I prefer my "old" normal auto gearbox (with fast lockup) as at least it feels more like manual driving and more involving.


How did you find with it pulling away? I find that the DSG can be quite grabby when pulling off, whereas a normal auto with torque converter allows some "slip" which makes it a nicer drive in town.



i suppose i'm used to the kick in the s2k the DSg seemed quiet smooth; there was some movement in the golf on pull away, kind of jerky, but not so bad you would be annoyed with it.


as said above it is a great car, and possibly still a contender. i think i've go the salesmanager taking the car out with me next time. the lad i had was a new kid, 4 days in to the job; and he was great, really easy to deal with. but the route didn't give me enough twisties to really try it, and i think i needed longer to get used to the auto; i spent a lot of time thinknig anrd reminding myself to not move my clutch leg. i'm used to my feet doing so much more work :lol:


must admit i had the same thing with the zed, first test drive didn't fully sell me the car,



must admit i am looking forward to my next lot of test driving which will hopefully be M3 territory.


did you have to go on the 'approved' route set by the saleperson? I hate that with a passion!! I was test driving lotus' last year with a mind to buying and had a perfect route planned around the local area but was only allowed to go on there route, wasnt best pleased with it!

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it was the new lad, he'd just been shown it as it was meant to be a good one for testing performance cars, it was ok, but i wanted mor eback road, less dual carriageway. and more like 3 hours instead of half an hour.


think is i don't know the area that well.


my favourite trick is to get it for a long test drive on my own, and then just head into the country and get lost. then by about half way in to the tesat drive i'll get the old satnav out and find my way back :lol:

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did you have to go on the 'approved' route set by the saleperson? I hate that with a passion!! I was test driving lotus' last year with a mind to buying and had a perfect route planned around the local area but was only allowed to go on there route, wasnt best pleased with it!

They wind me up a treat too. In Basingstoke, theres a cracking road down to Alton. Its notorious with bikers as a great drive, and I love to ride/drive down there. I wasnt allowed to take West Ways 370z down there, had to go on the "approved route" which was pants, and in the end was part of the reason they didnt get a sale from me.

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My apprentice has a Mark 5 58plate r32 with a miltek exhaust and it is an awesome sounding car. He absolutely loves it. I suppose any 20yr old would. The engine note is beautiful and close range gearbox make it rev very fast. Not as fast as it should he with that size of engine in such a small car but I suppose that's down to the weight of car.

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did you have to go on the 'approved' route set by the saleperson? I hate that with a passion!! I was test driving lotus' last year with a mind to buying and had a perfect route planned around the local area but was only allowed to go on there route, wasnt best pleased with it!


All depends on the salesperson, some of them have been pretty good. If they're really interested in you buying the car I find they generally take you out on a better route :thumbs:

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I've always been allowed to go wherever I want on test drives, unless I'm driving somewhere I don't know in which case I go on their route. Nissan were great with the Zed: With the coupe they just threw me the keys and I went off by myself, and with the ragtop the salesman was hungover and just let me get on with it! :lol:

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it is nippy, would say its on par with the s2k and the zed, if you look at the stats they all sit within 1/2 a second of each other.

It's not as quick as my zed as we've had a few runs testin them out but still pretty close. In the wet it has superb grip due to the 4wd so it is more of a match. I reckon the half second could be easily made up due to driver error.

Totally different car to the to the 2 seaters but still very nice and very well built.

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I think they're very solid cars, but a bit lacking in soul and that's probably exacerbated by the DSG 'box. You can do better than an R32 Rich I reckon :)


I'm not overly keen on the Haldex 4WD stuff, but in the wet it's certainly useful enough.

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I think they're very solid cars, but a bit lacking in soul and that's probably exacerbated by the DSG 'box. You can do better than an R32 Rich I reckon :)


I'm not overly keen on the Haldex 4WD stuff, but in the wet it's certainly useful enough.


i have to agree dan, i found it extremely capable; strong well built car, it has noise, it goes fast and it grips very well. its well balanced, very comfortable inside and the interiro trim is top notch. it is in all essence a great car.


but i personally get that fizz feeling as james may says, "you know; the fizzing feeling at the base of your pen is" :lol: we just didn't bond, sounds sad i know but its obviously not for me.


don't worry though; more reviews to come, and i'll post up some pics in a bit i took yesterday; should have taken some of the interior though :blush:

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I had the original Mark 4 R32 three years ago and that was absolutely fantastic. The noise, the character, the drive; it was a wonderful car. The MK5 is a lot softer and much less exclusive, but the 3.2 engine is an absolute gem. Could do with a little more power though.

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I had the original Mark 4 R32 three years ago and that was absolutely fantastic. The noise, the character, the drive; it was a wonderful car. The MK5 is a lot softer and much less exclusive, but the 3.2 engine is an absolute gem. Could do with a little more power though.


i much prefer the mk4's they ar emy favourites. but sadly no auto box on them. but i am still going to try a mk4 out; as they are so cool.

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