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dead zed!


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I recently started a new job which came with a company car, this has lead to me not driving the zed as much and it made sense to leave her in the drive rather than take on on the nasty slippy and salty UK roads. I've been trying to keep starting and driving around my street once a week but have not done so for the past fortnight. I went out on friday to give her a little boost and it seemed like the battery had gone as wouldn't start and just made a loud ticking nice. I tried using a booster pack to give the battery a little pick me up but it made no difference, I then used some jump leads to try get her going but still nothing. Now there is literally no response, no ticking when turning key and none of the electrics work at all. I am assuming this means the battery is kaput and so will be trying to source a replacement this week.


Does anyone know what battery to go for as i remember reading that the JDM battery is tricky to replace due to its size? I might get the RAC to come out and confirm it is just the battery as I have 4 call outs to use up before january anyway and its nice to get my moneys worth from them :)

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That seems to be the way Zed batteries go. Mine started fine last winter every time then suddenly after a week standing... completely dead, wouldn't jump start, not even a glimmer from the dashboard.

I've had to replace dozens of batteries over the years but never seen one go from O.K to complete fail in a week.




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I had this last Jan in the M3. We had loads of snow and as I work from home, the car never moved for three weeks. I put the car up for sale and the day somebody came to view it, I took it for a spin to warm it up.


Bad move.


Apparently the battery was dead as a dodo and I used up the last remaining charge warming up.


The buyer comes and I go to start the car, and nothing :scare:


Fortunately he understood, I replaced the battery, and drove it to him the next day and he bought it :thumbs:


Morale of the story is, if your gonna leave it standing, use a trickle charger if you have a garage :thumbs:

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