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Contender for the best thread of the year


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  op said:
... and he is an arrogant wcensoredr


Saw his grey 911 Turbo parked outside the dry cleaners near where I live and thought "Wow! Its Jason Plato" so I hung around to say hello and meet him. 20 minutes in freezing 2 degree cold and he comes out and I say hello and he shakes my hand. I say that I really like his car reviews and all that to which he just says "yeah yeah nice yeah, bye". Gets into his Porsche and drives off. Can't even spare 10 seconds for a fan.


Its true what they say, don't meet your heroes.


  jason plato said:
So anyway, I'm in a queue to get my dry cleaning, I look out the window to while away the time and there's this guy in a bobble hat taking pictures of my car! Doesn't seem too bad, he probably knows me from my BTCCing and will ps off in a minute...


No.... he's still there.... I get to the front of the queue, get my stuff and the guy in still outside, grining in at me like some sort of demented stalker. This has ben ten minutes so my Freakshow Alarm is going off like crazy.


I think fast and invent a problem with my wife's dress... another ten minutes go by, the guy is waving now... st, the wife is going to kill me, we're late for a meal round Matt Neal's house. I'll have to suck it up... hope I don't get stabbed.


So I get outside and the guy hits me with this classic - "Hi Jason, I like your car reviews on Fifth Gear, when will you be testing a Chevrolet Cruze?" He went on to tell me how good a car it was and much under-rated by the motoring press and needed some good coverage, possibly a good review from me might bring it to the masses. I don't think he was being ironic.


Anyway, I shook his hand, jumped in the car and fked off out of there quickly. Wait til I tell Matt and Yvan about this!!!


  jason plato said:
A Hand Shaking Lesson to George Matthews


Next time you shake hands with a complete stranger, follow these simple rules:


1. Engage eye contact in a warm way

2. Smile (a little)as you introduce yourself

3. shake up and down twice and

4. LET GO of the recipients hand.

5. Continue chatting whilst maintaining eye contact


The below is what you should NOT do (which you did)


1. Appear from knowwhere

2. Start jabbering on like a weirdo

3. Look at the floor whilst jabbering at the recipient

4. Thrust yourhand out and then NOT let go


If the other person at any time is forced to say

" Please let go of my hand"

Then, you have I am afraid, made a very bad first impression.


Buddy, you looked like, acted like and are a weirdo.


if you see me again, my advice, turn around and walk the other way,

I will not be polite next time.


Lesson endeth.


Jason Plato (human)

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  sparky350z said:
  Vik54 said:
Class! Custard Test :lol:



what is a custard test? am i being simple?


Originally (I think) from BarryBoys and commonly used on PH. A packet of birds custard placed on the dashboard of your car with the ignition on. basically proof that you (most probably) own the car. Not that you have just made it up.




Moron: I own a Veyron and I'm only 18.


All: Custard test!


Moron disappears into the internet!

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  sparky350z said:
  rtbiscuit said:
got to the end of page 2 and thought the OP was a tit :shrug: couldn't be arsed to read the rest.




i can never be bothered to read it all. lol


Well skip to page 8, well worth it. Husky has pretty much summed it up, but some great banter and photoshopping :lol:

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I've just turned to page 9 and been in fits of laughter. If it really was JP then well I'm shocked, and humoured at the same time. Some of the posts are hilarious!!


Good Find morgs :thumbs: George reminds me of a certain member on this forum but he doesn't post on here of late :lol:


Going sleep to finish the next installment at work tomorrow.

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