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Do you reckon the bags of plaster in the boot had something to do with it?



should help to give it more grip. My mates over in Canada say they keep a few bags of sand in the boot through the winter to help give it more traction.

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quick question what tires did/ do you have?

Well.....funny you should say that! i'd not long put some Maxxis tyres on the rear as a cheap stop gap until we decided what wheels we wanted to go for. But before you laugh, compared to my worn Potenzas, they were really good. Seriously. Loads more grip.

But maybe the recent drop in temperature made a difference, maybe they operate really well but in a narrower temp. zone. Who knows.

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Damn .. That's unlucky mate ..


I had a very similar thing happen to me when I first got my Zed ...


I lost the backend while exiting a round about and spun out ... lucky for me there were no other cars on the roundabout at the time and I managed to avoid hitting anything!


It definitely taught me a lesson though ... Since then I've always been careful!


Hope you get it sorted soon!



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Spun my VX220T this time last year... sideways... kurb... air... lampost!!!


Three things: 1) thank the almighty that I didnt't hurt anyone else, 2) thanks that my wife didn't get a phone call explaining the worst... and 3) thanks that my dear mother didn't get the same phone call.


Glad you are OK - we live and learn.


Hope it is not a total loss but if so: well it's only metal and plastic and you can look forward to spending the insurance payout on something else..!?

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Makes you sick when you knock your motor like that. As you say at least nobody is hurt and it's surely fixable so chin up! As much as ESP doesn't save you all the time, it is a god send when it does. My bro used to have a VX220 VXR of which a finite number were made (No ESP), lets just say on their forum there's a constant stream of these things getting planted into hedges etc...


I decided to buy brand new tyres this time last year as the ones I'd bought it with were looking pretty tired... 2 weeks later i got caught in a snow storm and had to drive 10 miles in untracked snow with my pregnant missus sat rather worried next to me :headhurt::scare: ! We ended up letting the pressure down a bit in each tyre and limping home but we made it in one piece!


All being well you'll have it back before Santa visits?


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I'm gutted to say they have declared the car uneconomical to repair :headhurt:

Apparently the price had got up to £6000 for repairs!!! obviously using Nissan dealer prices, i guess. They explained that the boot floor was creased and the roof damaged...i went down there to remove my bluetooth, and it just didn't look £6k bad, the boot floor looked straight and i couldn't see any damage at all to the roof. The guy who took me down to view it agreed with me, and he works there!

We will have to hope the insurance company dont take the pee with their offer, i think i will need £9k to £10k to buy an equivilent car. So if they offer less there may be a long 'discussion' happening.

I've put our private plate on retention as it would dissappear when the car is taken from our ownership, over £100 that cost! But....it's all my own fault so i can't whinge too much, just hope someone else learns from my pain!


I'll keep you updated...

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I'm gutted to say they have declared the car uneconomical to repair :headhurt:

Apparently the price had got up to £6000 for repairs!!! obviously using Nissan dealer prices, i guess. They explained that the boot floor was creased and the roof damaged...i went down there to remove my bluetooth, and it just didn't look £6k bad, the boot floor looked straight and i couldn't see any damage at all to the roof. The guy who took me down to view it agreed with me, and he works there!

We will have to hope the insurance company dont take the pee with their offer, i think i will need £9k to £10k to buy an equivilent car. So if they offer less there may be a long 'discussion' happening.

I've put our private plate on retention as it would dissappear when the car is taken from our ownership, over £100 that cost! But....it's all my own fault so i can't whinge too much, just hope someone else learns from my pain!


I'll keep you updated...


Oh that's a shame :console:

wait and see what offer they make you :thumbs:

In the meantime ask them to show you exactly where the crease in the boot is and damage to the roof - you may want to consider buying it back as a Cat D ;)

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I'm very sorry to read about this but it is so easily done.


I had a potentially big moment last year driving along a straight road at about 40mph on a gentle throttle but I completely failed to see the black ice under overhanging trees. The previous driver was running back down towards us but was about 100m away. I thought what is that maniac doing? Then I realised. Spun round 360 twice over both lanes (no-one hit me - which was sheer luck). Went down a 30 degree grass bank. Crossed over a path and went down towards some trees - but stopped 2 feet short. I still remember the doom-laden feeling as we prepared to get out of the car.


Somehow I got away with it - apart from picking up lots of grass and mud but it was very disconcerting and certainly flavours how you drive in slippery conditions for a while afterwards.


Good luck with the insurance company - my son-in-laws company made him a silly offer but he went back with a massive pile of evidence and they gave in straight away.



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This time of year not worth taking risks on damp, wet, leaf covered roads, or drive like a tit and reap the consequences... :surrender:



+1 with what Jerry said


Sorry to hear of your mis fortune, I know its a bit late to say but maybe others could take note of it, You shouldn`t rely on the ESP to keep you out of trouble, it should be used as a warning, not a way of trying to put down as much power as possible. Personally I hate it & very rarely run with it on as it`s so intrusive (only turn it on for high speed wet roads) Hope you can sort something out with your insurance & get back to zedding soon

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This time of year not worth taking risks on damp, wet, leaf covered roads, or drive like a tit and reap the consequences... :surrender:


That's why my motorbike gets put away for winter.


The Zed isn't great in this weather, the bike is just frightening!




Thankfully Simon has got away in tact (the car not so much...) and can tell us all to watch out on the roads. Others aren't as lucky.

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