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alpine HU. urgent help needed.


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i am right in the middle of fitting a alpine double DIN HU. i thought i had all of the cables required to fit the unit to the car.


i have attached the loom adapter to the car and the unit is on an working (volume up) but i have NO sound coming out of the speakers. is this the low volume problem?


i have connected all of the looms together but there doesnt seem to be anything else to connect.


im usually pretty good with this sort of thing.





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Have you earthed it, many aftermarket units require a separate earth I know my Pioneer did. I wouldn't think it is the low volume issue as you would still get something if you turned it up. It's a difficult thing to give advice on without seeing it, maybe if you post a picture up someone might be able to spot what's gone wrong...


I'm usually ok with these things too but I have to admit in the end I got it done professionally as even once I got it working there was a whine :surrender:

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  Husky said:
  SpursMadDave said:
  Husky said:
for info, if its not earthed properly normally it wont even power on :thumbs:


Ah I missed that bit, although with the Pioneer it powered up but went off after about 5 seconds :shrug:

well depends on how good/bad it is really


It was my own attempt so probably quite bad :blush:


It just powered up for a few seconds then shut down but then the Pioneer is windows CE based so maybe that was why it did it :shrug:

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I have connected everything now. Run the cables for the camera. Just need to put it back together.


I used a ring crimp and earthed it on the gear stick chassis surround. Got loads of interference when it wasn't earthed properly!


The aerial has a male adapter and so does the HU. Is there an adapter I can buy?


Sounds and looks awesome! Will post up pics when fitted and working.

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