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I made a web clip.....


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We have this fancy new application in the office for securing and managing "smart phones" in the corporate environment..... ....anyway I thought I would have a play and have just created this.......




Appologies for the rubbish pic but all I have to do is click in the "Z" icon and it loads the forum :yahoo:


Its much better quality in real file... you can just make you the "Z" icon


.... and I could install it on thousands of phones registered to our server at the touch of a button :ninja:


How cool it that B)

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Trouble is... I don't know if I can export it and make available for "other to use"...... working on that :ninja: you all will be the first to know :thumbs:


This fancy new system encrypts all your iPhone's data, I can remotely install and configure WiFi, App's, and security policys and if I loose it I can remotely wipe...everything :teeth


I can do this for ALL "smart phones"


....mmmmm I am liking this application B)B)

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Forgive my piephone ignorance, so its a shortcut? I think microsoft got there a few years ago...


Yep you right, just a shortcut :doh: but its not quite as easy to do on an iPhone as in Microsoft

Thats right, I hear what your trying to say but i want written evidence of it. come on now.


Apple is what? awkward and what?

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