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Problems with older zeds?

G.I Ginge

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Hi all, I'm in the process of looking for a 350z of my own and could do with some advice. I'm looking at older cars (2003-5) with high mileage. One I'm particularly interested in has 96000 miles on the clock. Car LOOKS to be in good condition, but I'd really appreciate some input from owners about what can go wrong with the car. I've done my research, but research seems to imply very little goes wrong. I'd like to know what the people who actually drive the car have found. :)


Any advice/comments very appreciated.

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I appreciate it. I did already read the link above before I started the thread, but thanks for suggesting it. I'm really just looking to see if anyone can give me some ideas of things to check that only an owner might know. For example, I've currently got a VX220 and I know that with cars of its age, you need to check the boot release cable. Not something that crops up when you research the car, but the kind of thing that will go eventually and isn't that cheap to replace! :thumbdown:

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I'm sure some zeds have problems with the window motors. Make sure they are sealing when the doors are shut.

Boot gas struts, sometime they like to drop.

Cracks at the exhaust flange joints.

Gearbox synchro problems once warmed up, think it was 5th to 6th I may stand corrected.

Gearchange 1st to 2nd is notchy when cold** this is normal.


Anymore I can think of I'll post up

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Howdy matey, good to see you are still on the zed hunt.


My friend who came for the test drive ended up buying a vx220, he's absolutely loving it. Hope you are having interest in selling yours.


I would suggest linking any cars you are considering here. Also we have a big contingent of zed owners in surrey and I know you are just down the road so if you see any local cars that take your fancy some one may know the car in question.


High mileage shouldn't be an issue if they have had a good service history. The guys here can tell you more I'm sure and maybe if you see a local car you like someone close may be able to look it over with you.

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