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strange noise from my brakes


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I've recently changed my stock nissan pads to EBC red stuff fronts and rears.I've been well impressed with the improvement , plus there's no more "squealing" when I brake. Problem is recently I've noticed what I can only describe as a metallic "clacking" noise when I brake, this only happens when I change direction i.e If I'm reversing,and stop, there is a metallic clacking sound which seems to come form my brakes. It sounds like the pads are bouncing off the calipers, at first it seemed to only come from the rears, but now it seems to come from the front as well. I've double checked the pads and all seems in order. I didn't put any shims in, as I was told that the EBC built in shims would suffice, is this true ? What keeps the pads from rattling about when there is no pressure on the pistons ? I know brakes aren't something to take lightly plus this weird noise is starting to get on my tits, so If someone could shed some light on this I'd be eternally grateful.

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This is unsual to say the least.

Did you do it yourself? are the retaining clips in place? is there something that has not been put in correctly or loose? what about the disc condition? are you sure you got the right fitment for the zed?thats what you should be looking at ;)

if i where you i will take everything down, inspect fully and re-install. if everything is ok then put it down to the pad material though red stuff is not known to be squeaky :shrug:

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I've recently changed my stock nissan pads to EBC red stuff fronts and rears.I've been well impressed with the improvement , plus there's no more "squealing" when I brake. Problem is recently I've noticed what I can only describe as a metallic "clacking" noise when I brake, this only happens when I change direction i.e If I'm reversing,and stop, there is a metallic clacking sound which seems to come form my brakes. It sounds like the pads are bouncing off the calipers, at first it seemed to only come from the rears, but now it seems to come from the front as well. I've double checked the pads and all seems in order. I didn't put any shims in, as I was told that the EBC built in shims would suffice, is this true ? What keeps the pads from rattling about when there is no pressure on the pistons ? I know brakes aren't something to take lightly plus this weird noise is starting to get on my tits, so If someone could shed some light on this I'd be eternally grateful.



I have brembo pads, don't have a squeak but have what i describe as a clunk when i reverse and then again when i move forward. I took it to the garage recently and they said that i had some play in the pads (one nissan dealer said they weren't genuine, the dealer i bought it from said they were genuine viewtopic.php?f=59&t=39627 ). The dealer i bought the car from showed me some genuine pads and i double checked online so they seam right. I just live with it for now and will swap them out soon, might try some ferrodo pads next time to see if they do the same.


when i asked the question it seamed to be a 50/50 split on 'it's normal' or 'it's not supposed to happen'

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I have re-checked the fitting and all is as it should be. I also the clunking noise occasionally but mostly its as I described it like the pads clacking off the calipers. I assume they are genuine as I bought them from cougar store on this forum. I've done some more searching and it seems a few people have had the same problem. I'm reluctant to fork out another £150 ish for a set of ferodos as the EBC's are brand new. I guess I'm gonna have to live with the noise, it's just where brakes are concerned I like to be cautious.

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Ive done 3500 miles with this "clunk", yes its annoying, but they work fine and stop me dead. I have no fear that they will let me down :thumbs: I am assuming its the pads rocking on the guide pins? Not the pads coming off the calipers, i think if that were thecase, you would get a slight spongy feeling when you applied the pedal as the "slack" would need to be taken up first.

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