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thinking of selling up...............


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i know i havent had it long, and i love the car to death but ive just had my insurance renewal through, and im thinking is it realy worth it. :shrug:.


ive had the z for nearly a year now and ive only covered 2000 miles in it. and based on the quote my insurance is costing me 50p a mile :lol: .


dont get me wrong this is the best car ive ever had, and if i drove it everyday i would even consider this. but having a second car and a company van its just sat on the drive. when i do get time to drive it is mainly 6miles to my mates houses or with the club. i think ive spent more time cleaning it than i have driving it.


ive had a mate whos a trader look up what its worth and im happy with what hes said.


what do you think am i rushing in to it????????????


what will i get to replace it i hear you say? honest answer i dont have the foggest. somthing cheap that gets me from a -b prob.

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If you've only covered 2k in a year I'd have thought the insurance would be properly cheap.


I've always been told that if you get limited mileage insurance you pay peanuts.



On the subject of the car itself. Do you just see it as a way to get from a to b or see it as a hobby if you get my point?


If it's a hobby that gets you out to meets etc.. then it's worth keeping but looking at it from a car to get you from a to b then yes it does and in style B) but...


is this making sense?

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Why don't you flog the 2nd car and use the company van for the daily grind stuff :shrug:


You must be able to get that insurance down if you shop around - unless you've got a record dirtier than week old knickers.


I've driven the Zed for a week and I already know that each time stick in the clutch and turn the key the growl that rumbles out makes it worth every penny.


If you love the car and you CAN afford it then I think you'll regret it. If you've already got a 2nd car why do you want to replace the Zed with an A to B jobbie?? :wacko:

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Or you could "lay" her up for the winter SORN, and use her in the summer, Cant you get insurance that covers you for limited mileage and short term cover?


http://www.finance-1.co.uk/short-term-c ... rance.html


Thats what I would be inclined too do. Actually I am thinking about laying my zed up for winter and buying a shed to drive around in.


Its a great car, and as said, you would regret it at some point.

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i know what you mean, i melt every time i start her up. im 26 with no points or anything like that. and have 7 years NC. and its currently insured for 5000miles a year.


i could use the van in the week but not weekends unless im working as they dont like people driving them in their own time. as a few have been damged when it could have been prevented. the gf's car is a company car which she may give back for tax reasons.


when i say a-b car its gunna be half decent as im a real petrol head at heart. but the main thing thats eatting at me is id like to buy a second house to rent, and to invest the money rather than wathch it slowly slip away.

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i know what you mean, i melt every time i start her up. im 26 with no points or anything like that. and have 7 years NC. and its currently insured for 5000miles a year.


i could use the van in the week but not weekends unless im working as they dont like people driving them in their own time. as a few have been damged when it could have been prevented. the gf's car is a company car which she may give back for tax reasons.


when i say a-b car its gunna be half decent as im a real petrol head at heart. but the main thing thats eatting at me is id like to buy a second house to rent, and to invest the money rather than wathch it slowly slip away.



You can have your cake and eat it.... :lol:

If your looking to invest your cash, fair play, but will your zed release enough for you too put a deposit on a second home, or are you concerned about the overall running costs?


I cant blame you for wanting too put your cash into a property either. :thumbs:

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:lol: the money will just go in the pot with the rest of it,


its not the running costs that worry me, its the fact i can either carry on as i am and keep the car. or spend the money and the money id be saving on running cost, on somthing else ie a house.


really im a tight git love earning it but hate spending it :lol:

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i know what you mean, i melt every time i start her up. im 26 with no points or anything like that. and have 7 years NC. and its currently insured for 5000miles a year.


i could use the van in the week but not weekends unless im working as they dont like people driving them in their own time. as a few have been damged when it could have been prevented. the gf's car is a company car which she may give back for tax reasons.


when i say a-b car its gunna be half decent as im a real petrol head at heart. but the main thing thats eatting at me is id like to buy a second house to rent, and to invest the money rather than wathch it slowly slip away.


Dude how in blue hell are you getting quotes like that. Our insurance is 2x 28 year olds (but Mrs is named as main driver :blush: )

with 4 years NCB and its only costing £580 to cover 7k per year. Try Admiral multicar too.


I bought a 2nd house to rent as an investment - slightly different in that it was in 2007 pretty much at the peek of the market (dropped ever since!!! :rant: ) and I can tell you its like a bloody vacuum for cash!

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If you think you're losing money on a car, you might see 10%+ taken off house prices next year alone, which on an average house will be more than what your car is worth...........you could end up with a property in negative equity and if you struggle to rent it out you'll have to pay two mortgages.......it's not all a bed of roses :(

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If you think you're losing money on a car, you might see 10%+ taken off house prices next year alone, which on an average house will be more than what your car is worth...........you could end up with a property in negative equity and if you struggle to rent it out you'll have to pay two mortgages.......it's not all a bed of roses :(


listen to them man, he knows what hes talking about (but only on morgage related stuff....anything else just nod and pretend your listening :lol: )



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If you think you're losing money on a car, you might see 10%+ taken off house prices next year alone, which on an average house will be more than what your car is worth...........you could end up with a property in negative equity and if you struggle to rent it out you'll have to pay two mortgages.......it's not all a bed of roses :(


listen to them man, he knows what hes talking about (but only on morgage related stuff....anything else just nod and pretend your listening :lol: )




i can see what you mean, and when its put in black and white it hits home harder. think i will have another look for some quotes. thanks for all your help and veiws :thumbs:

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.......it's not all a bed of roses :(


Especially when the boiler brakes........that another 2k gurgling down the drain this weekend!


Suppose it's devine retrobution for working for a Sub-Prime mortgage company.


You'll probably also find that the BTL mortgage market is coiled tighter than a boa-constrictors butt cheeks at the moment........only the likes of Sarnie can dig out anything near reasonable and I bet thats not an easy task at the mo.

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