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Quick photoshoot, friend's Mini


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Thought I'd share some more of my photography and editing work I'm trying to build up and get better.


This is my friend's 1.4 Mini £3000 engine and £1500 gearbox (that screams like a race car gearbox when you put your foot down). If anyone has come across exactly what makes the gearbox scream purposely, please let me know :cloud9:





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I REALLY want a proper mini.


I'd prefer it if it was a bit more stock looking. Love the paint, love the wheels, love the little touches but I'm not keen on the kit personally.


Nice pics but I think the jazzy border is unnecessary and too close to the subject. I like the third one best personally.


Oh and my opinion is coming from someone that can't take a picture so feel free to completely ignore it!

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straight cut gear teeth ;) much stronger


Cheers Husky! ...Currently pricing up a few things! :thumbs:


yeah its probably a jack knight straight cut box at that price super strong and very noisy you got any under bonnet shots its a nice looking mini nice blending round the arches


I haven't any engine bay shots currently, though we're going for a drive again soon. I'll get some then, plus a video If I can! :teeth:


Thanks for your input on the photographs guys, you don't need to be a photographer to know what looks good. The criticism does help if I'm to get better! :thumbs: So apart from the borders which I can always get rid of and not use in future they're good pictures! :blush:

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Yeah the third pic isn't the best, we had to get as many as possible as rain clouds started approaching :thumbdown: it was a lovely day, but didn't last. So what you are seeing (3rd pic) was a bit rushed in taking it, i.e. front right light is out of focus.

Thanks for the comment though! :thumbs: I'll start picking up on shadows a bit more!

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