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My experience of my first 2 months of my z


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well i've had the Z 2 months now n thought ide post my views!


absolutely love it!!!! I have a MGZT-T cdti too, n said to myself i'll drive that as my every day. But that aint happened yet! Cost me about £300 a month in fuel to get to work n back and worth every penny. the burbble of the exhaust, the looks, the feeling of look at me (poser i know) is worth every penny.


have read the threads about fuel economy, etc. dint buy my Z for that, if i had ide av bought a micra (or whatever).


Basically. love it n well worth every penny.


only problem ive got is its costing me a fortune in wants? mods.etc. (A divorce if i dont stop spending)


On a final note. THIS Forum has been a god send! Advice, Information and just need to know.


heres to many years to come and i hope (Fingers crossed) my 370 next year!


So advice to any newbies...go for it. forget fuel economy, forget expence, smile factor is worth a million dollars especialy when ya sat at the lights n the guy in the vectra is looking but trying not to show ya he's looking is ..great!


If your bothered about economy, tyres, servicing,etc then buy a ford if you wanna drive a proper car with balls under the bonnet then enjoy your z! (No disrespect to our female members)

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Good post, glad your enjoying it :thumbs:


There will always be thread about fuel economy where people have stretched themselves to get the car and find the running costs high, but I agree with your comment and I knew the Z wasn't economical or practical before I bought it!


My only tip with the modding bug is not to buy things too quickly but to think through exactly what you want and then gradually build things up. If you go too fast then you will probably regret bits or end up ripping them off and replacing them with what you should have got in the first place :doh:


Another good tip is to keep the bits you replace as when you come to sell you will get a much better return and easier sale if the car is back to stock. (you do need a big garage though)


Good luck with saving for the 370 B)

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