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I have her! Couple of easy questions, please help?


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OK... JUST picked up my Gun Metal 2003 GT!



The only reason I'm not out in it now is because it is raining and this is my first RWD motor.



One of the Z badges on the side of the car is missing. Can anyone tell me the best place to pick another one/pair up from? I am cool buying from eBay, just need to know which ones to buy. I'm happy with standard for now... Anyone help me out by pointing me in the right direction?

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Oh... And the other (not as important) question was....


I have a weird black phone thing in the center cubby hole. Can anyone tell me what it is an how I can use it for hands free on a phone?


Sorry for the newbie questions! :dummy:

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bits an pieces are sometimes available from traders on here .......as a first port of call try ZmanAlex ....if he can't help - RSLee or ChilliRed

and post a photo of your phone thingy ......could be a Bluetooth module

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Nice one, bet your well chuffed :p


PM one of the traders on here - CS, Chilli Red, Zmanalex they will be able to sort you out :thumbs::thumbs:


That's either a bluetooth or a thingy you put your phone (model specific) in for the hands free

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  slimjim said:
The only reason I'm not out in it now is because it is raining and this is my first RWD motor.



It wont bite! :wacko: Take it for a spin, and take it slow, take in the feling of the car in the wet and dont be scared. Go on... you know you want too... Go on, go on, go on..... :thumbs:

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