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When Jailbraking goes wrong!


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Well i managed to wipe 3 months worth of data from my iPhone 4 on Sunday! Pictures, Videos, contacts, texts, calendars etc!!


I took my iPhone to apple today along with my macbook to see what had happened. It turned out that when i jailbroke my 3G a month before i upgraded to the 4, I installed some software that caused my iTunes to lose the ability to backup my iphone!!! So when i updated my phone on sunday, it crashed and took me half a day to get it working again and in the process, backing up from the last known date.....June!!!


I haven't jail broken my 4 and have no intentions to but Christ almighty, when the guys saw the blackra1n software on my mac, you could swear that i had just kicked their pet kitten in the face! I felt like a naughty school boy that was being told off and i left the apple shop with my tail between my legs!! :( They were clearly looking at me thinking "yeah, you tried to jailbrake your iphone 4 and this is what happened!" The guy even said to me "I've put this down in the report as a back up issue"! I felt like a right tit! :blush:


All sorted now tho! Wont be doing that again! :shrug:

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From my understanding they cant say anything to you instore about jailbreak your phone or telling you off. They can however do something if you have pirated software, or if your phone is broken they can refuse to fix it for free as you have voided your warranty...

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Haha i'm not sure I would have gone to the Apple store with a phone that had been jailbroken, or a mac with the software still on it :lol:


I jailbroke my 3G over a year ago and got used to all the extra things you could do, but when I upgraded to os4 it was waaaaaaaay too slow so I went back to standard.


There is some great backup software on cydia that would have sorted out your problem maybe.


If the Apple staff had got funny with me I would have said if they unlocked the potential of their hardware then nobody would need to hack it :p I had most of the os4 'new updates' on my jailbroken phone months before!


That said I :wub: my iPhone, you can stick your crackberries and flangedroids up your bum! :dance:

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