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Car Shampoo!


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I need some advise about car shampoo's I have been using Turtle wax car shampoo and Carplan shampoos for my vans but to be honest I think there crap! in the bucket the shampoo's are all suds but by the time I get the water onto the vehicle it looks like plain water with no suds at all. So on my new Z'd I want to try Meguiar's Gold Class Shampoo & Conditioner and Halfords are promoting 'buy one get one free' so for £15.99 I can have two :D my question is does this product get nice suds on the car so I can see I'm actually cleaning the car :shrug:

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Megs Gold class is nice, sudsy and slick. You could argue that its forumlated to be too slick, ie it makes it feel better than it probably is, but it'll certainly do the job. By contrast, the Dodo SN shampoo I have is formulated not to be overly sudsy and slick, and looks almost like plain water on the car, but does a better job of cleaning :thumbs:

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thanks for all the info, Zugara I know it's not the suds that clean the car it's just it seems like I'm washing with just water if you know what I mean. Looks like I'll go buy the Megs Gold and get two for one that should last me for a while. :D

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I used Gold Class for a ages when Megs first came to the UK. It was and still is a good shampoo. Watch the dilution rations though.... ;)


I use Shampoo Plus now and I really like it. It's blooming cheap too! :thumbs:

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  ChrisUUC said:
Valet Pro PH Neutral Snow Foam


Snow Foam Lance


Hard to beat if you ask me ... Megs wash mit and two buckets of water to get rid of the dreaded grit ... :)


I know about all this gear but sometimes I just want to get out there with a quick wash'n'dry :D

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Like Stew I have been impressed with shampoo plus which comes in a massive trade size bottle for a good price. BUT the Halfords 2 for 1 is a brilliant deal - they usually only do 3 for 2. The purple megs one is good, i've used that and currently i'm using the new Megs wash and wax - its yellow and smells like kiddies penicillin but the wax in it works really well and the water beads off the car afterwards.

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just purchased Megs Gold Class and NXT Generation Car Wash for the price of one and tried the Gold Class first your right plenty of suds even after washing the car and it dries up a treat with a very nice shine.


thanks everyone for the info. :thumbs:

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