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Advice / experience please - I crashed my Z


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Holy sh1t mate, it's Z killing season.


I feel your anguish!


I've been out to a meeting this afternoon and the guy I saw had an '06 Z. I was just standing, looking at it, admiring it's presence, wishing I had mine back. It's true you know; you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.


Good luck with the repairs, hope she gets fixed up soon.

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Hi Wes


Its true what you say, it was all funny at first but now its just a costly and highly inconvenient nightmare.. I see the same fella on the way to work each morning in his Z and normally we have a little tip of the hat to each other as we pass... but we dont now that Im getting a lift in a banged up 4 year old clio.. I just look at his and think "Im a PRICK" ;). Was going to the bikes in silverstone this weekend and it looks like thats out the window too now... sob sob.

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Sorry about your z. Your incident was identical to mine.. too much gas (I suspect), flicks one way, a bit too much gas to recorrect and wham, one major spin the other way and your backwards... Im Sorry to read about it, yet in reality and as you said, you (and I) are OUTRIGHT lucky there was no solid items such as tree/post etc.. or worst still pedestrians involved. My engineer at work did something similar in a VR6, and his face needed to be fully sewn back together after it went through the window. And thats getting off lightly compared to some. Its only money and inconvenience at the end of the day. You dont have a permanet reminder of it when you look in the mirror, or try and walk down some stairs etc etc. When/if do you get it back?

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My heart goes out to you Astonal! You call yourself prick, but we’ve all been one of those in our time.

You say it’s not an insurance job (yet). Please take my advice and let them know ASAP, your on dodgy ground as it is leaving it so long. It sounds like it could turn out to be a very expensive job and you don’t want to cut corners on such a new car. Don’t forget you’ll have to sell it one day. I think most people would rather buy a car repaired to the standards required by an insurance company than from the guy who had the work done himself.

So it’s going to cost, we all pay for our mistakes. My fear is you might loose at both ends, i.e. getting it on the road again and loosing when you sell.

Just wish I knew more about cars so I could help.


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  astonal said:
Thanks mate - the lesson here is dont take the TC off in the wet :0)...especially when you are on a date, as I was, with the below. Numpty

http://www.bookingsmodels.co.uk/largepi ... 1=katja_1#


Stuffed the car = :thumbdown:

Stuffed Katja = :thumbs:


Looking at the pics both are going to be expensive and yet highly satisfying. :teeth::p


Serious note.

Contact the insurance and bite the bullet quickly. It might already be too late but in my opinion the repairs are going to outweigh the savings and at least if after the repairs are done you are not happy you can KEEP TAKING IT BACK - FOR FREE

You will also be bale to drive it as it was intended without thinking of the corners you were tempted to cut!! (If you weren't tempted you would have gone straight to the insurers after all ;) )

Ming the sensible - and slightly envious

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While I feel for you my friend, it is nice to see that you understand the principle of: Cars or tyres dont make mistakes, people do. Sorry to hear about it , glad you are both ok, also glad you can see the error of your ways, now dont make another error by trying to avoid the insurance co, get on the phone first thing tomorrow.

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  Sylvester said:
  Sarnie said:
  SimonD said:
Sorry but why did we need to know about 'Katja'??


Yes we did :thumbs::teeth:


+99.9% of the forum!


What a sourpuss!


Hope you get sorted soon mate.


Far from being a sourpuss Sylvester, to me, telling the world that he had a date with a hot girl and smashed his car up whilst showing off isn't perhaps the brightest thing to do, sure you can tell people you had an accident whilst on a date but don't post a ****ing web link of the girl, smacks of in your face to me.

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  SimonD said:

Far from being a sourpuss Sylvester, to me, telling the world that he had a date with a hot girl and smashed his car up whilst showing off isn't perhaps the brightest thing to do, sure you can tell people you had an accident whilst on a date but don't post a ****ing web link of the girl, smacks of in your face to me.


What is a sourpuss?


And what is a sourpuss Sylvester?




(sorry dudes, not a native English speaker here :wacko: )

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hahha thank you :D (and yes, I agree - any more rants will be by PM)


Well, as an update I have contacted my insurer and they will honour the bill should I decide to go through them instead, cut off is 8 weeks. For everyones info, the bearings carrier on the Zed has been changed in later models (from 2004 onwards) , which perhaps indicates a weakness? Its also 500 quid to buy the part :scare:

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  astonal said:
SimonD - For the very last time I was taking the p1ss out of myself, not rubbing a girl in anyones face... This is a lads 350z website isnt it? You know, fast cars, women, that sort of thing.. oh well, maybe not. As I said before, by idicating what I was with makes the whole thing more crushingly embarrissing for me and therefore much more amusing as a tale (well, just "being on a date" doesnt really make me laugh anyway). But hey ho I dont know why Im trying to explain coz your pretty much STILL calling me a bigging up w@nker, so in that case, I hope the below links p1ss you right off. I will leave the reasons as to why to you. Bon Chance with your own!


http://www.icmmodels.com/details.asp?mo ... =&letter=K






http://www.redmodelling.com/detail.php? ... ype=female


....lucky 'fu*ker' :) Any chance of sourcing me a date??!! ;)

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  astonal said:
hahha thank you :D (and yes, I agree - any more rants will be by PM)


Well, as an update I have contacted my insurer and they will honour the bill should I decide to go through them instead, cut off is 8 weeks. For everyones info, the bearings carrier on the Zed has been changed in later models (from 2004 onwards) , which perhaps indicates a weakness? Its also 500 quid to buy the part :scare:


Glad that they'll honour it for you if you decide to go down that route mate :thumbs:


And, do you just spend your whole time looking at model sites??? (not that I'm complaining!!)

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