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Totally irresponsible driving


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I was approaching a roundabout this morning - the usual routine crawling up to it in a queue. Looked in my mirror and the woman behind me in a mini was putting mascara on in her rear view mirror! Now I know some of you guys have probably never worn mascara (and some have - Nurrish, Ian, Zedrush....) but i was astounded! Lipstick is bad enough but mascara!! I was just waiting for her to run into the back of my car. What she was doing is far more dangerous than using a mobile phone - i wasn't in the best of moods this morning and really felt like getting out of the car and telling her off! :lol:

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You should of got out of the car Nixy and told the stupid bitch to get up earlier in the morning :lol: . Does my head in this type of thing . :dry: Though if i had seen Markie putting on make up in my rear view mirror i would have made an exception :cloud9::headhurt::lol:

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  Wasso said:
Nixy you really do get a lot of stress driving to work in the mornings.... I'd suggest taking public transport - could be safer :lol:


Can't get public transport from my house but yeah you're right - an abundance of bimbos at roundabouts on my journey it seems!


  Beavis said:
You should of got out of the car Nixy and told the stupid bitch to get up earlier in the morning :lol: . Does my head in this type of thing . :dry::lol:


Seriously - i'm with you on that one, i can't believe someone would be that dumb to think that is acceptable when driving! I was watching her prodding her eyes with her mascara in the mirror while crawling up to the back of my car!

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The standard of driving in general is very poor at the moment. But what does my head in, is been a few miles over the speed limit is only ever penalised today. If i was a traffic officer i would be the biggest bastard under the sun when on patrol. All them that fail to indicate off roundabouts would be pulled over, poor lane discipline pulled over, mobile phone use pulled over, etc. Person driving correctly but just a few miles an hour over the speed limit ignored :)



I would need a new little book every single day :lol:

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  Beavis said:
The standard of driving in general is very poor at the moment. But what does my head in, is been a few miles over the speed limit is only ever penalised today. If i was a traffic officer i would be the biggest bastard under the sun when on patrol. All them that fail to indicate off roundabouts would be pulled over, poor lane discipline pulled over, mobile phone use pulled over, etc. Person driving correctly but just a few miles an hour over the speed limit ignored :)



I would need a new little book every single day :lol:


+1000 to the fact people just cannot drive with respect for other road users. Such as people when sat at traffic lights and then as the lights change they make a right hand indication - why don't they just pre-warn people that when they are going to turn in any given direction they apply enough notice to other road users. This I find infuriating! :rant::angry:


The other annoying this people who pull out of junctions without looking, oh and 50% of them on the phone.


Then there's those who sit in the middle lane of a Motorway - especially when the darn motorway is empty - rare occasion being empty, but when it's very quite these people frustrate me. Phew - rant :rant: over..... feel better now. :thumbs:

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  Wasso said:
Then there's those who sit in the middle lane of a Motorway - especially when the darn motorway is empty - rare occasion being empty, but when it's very quite these people frustrate me. Phew - rant :rant: over..... feel better now. :thumbs:


When i worked for the Police those people were called CLODS - Centre Lane Only Driver :lol:

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  nixy said:
  Wasso said:
Then there's those who sit in the middle lane of a Motorway - especially when the darn motorway is empty - rare occasion being empty, but when it's very quite these people frustrate me. Phew - rant :rant: over..... feel better now. :thumbs:


When i worked for the Police those people were called CLODS - Centre Lane Only Driver :lol:


CLODS :lol: this should be classed as an offence as the driving code actually say that once you pass a vehicle you should return into the nearside lane!

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LOL I dont know what the problem is :blush: 9 / 10 she is stationary while doing it. The thing that drives me crazy is smoking while driving.... that is defo more dangerous than applying makeup.... Thankfully i dont do either lol so I am ok :lol:;)

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This woman wasn't stationary though - she was crawling up to the roundabout behind me while only looking in her mirror to put her make up on and not at the road or my car. Smoking in the car is gross but no comparison in terms of danger to putting make up on. You don't need to look in the mirror to smoke!

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AHHHH but what if you drop your fag or the ash burns you......... your instincts would kick in and try get the thing off you ..... thus not paying attention to the road and before you know it........ SMASH

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  Tarmac said:
No word of a lie..... one of the drivers who used to come into where I used to work told me that sometimes on a boring motorway drive he would knock one off.... Not in a lay by, literally whilst driving :scare:


He was a sick puppy that one :bangin: , laybys only for me :)




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I used to smoke whilst driving, not in the zed but in my mazdarati i had before it, and i don't think its dangerous, lighting up can divert your attention but if i had a passenger i would always get them to light one for me and pass it to me.


had the end fall of a tab whilst driving before and it was a simple case of pull over and make sure it was out. there is always somewhere to stop.


as for the make up girl, at least she was using the rear view mirror and not the vanity mirror in the sun visor, which i've seen, and like nixy, nearly got out and told the silly bitch off.

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  Tarmac said:
No word of a lie..... one of the drivers who used to come into where I used to work told me that sometimes on a boring motorway drive he would knock one off.... Not in a lay by, literally whilst driving :scare:


Cheers m8, now I can have 10 minutes extra sleep each morning!!! ;)

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  Stew said:
  Tarmac said:
No word of a lie..... one of the drivers who used to come into where I used to work told me that sometimes on a boring motorway drive he would knock one off.... Not in a lay by, literally whilst driving :scare:


He was a sick puppy that one :bangin: , laybys only for me :)




:lol::lol::lol: i could guess who that is by your FB friends

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