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Urgent iPhone 4 help!!!

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Hi m8, try a hard reset.


Switch phone off,


now hold home button and power button for about 10 seconds, then release the power button but keep holdign the home button for 30 seconds.

Thats should perform a full reset!

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  BRO-T said:
Hi m8, try a hard reset.


Switch phone off,


now hold home button and power button for about 10 seconds, then release the power button but keep holdign the home button for 30 seconds.

Thats should perform a full reset!


I wish it was that simple too mate! The issue is its crashing whilst restoring! Just spoke to apple, tried something they suggested and thats not worked either! I think its game over for my Iphone!?

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I just love the number of email messages that arrive "sent on my iphone" and many contain gobbledygook or the writer is saying they can't see this and can't see that when responding - it does not seem to be the 'wonderphone' it is cracked up to be - certainly for business use anyway.


I'll now wait to be flamed :surrender::lol:

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  Ebized said:
I just love the number of email messages that arrive "sent on my iphone" and many contain gobbledygook or the writer is saying they can't see this and can't see that when responding - it does not seem to be the 'wonderphone' it is cracked up to be - certainly for business use anyway.


I'll now wait to be flamed :surrender::lol:


haha it is a bit of silly announcement, advertise the fact you've got a phone that doesn't work very well. :doh:


(can you tell I'm not too keen on apple stuff?!)

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I am still happy with my ye olde worlde 3GS for now although wondering about restoring back to previous OS as new one has a few annoyances! Come on Apple get the basics right!


Your right Colin not as wonderful the wonderphone but it's sill perfect for my needs ;)

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The iphone is truly awesome, i just had a bit of a problem with downloading the update and then restoring it. There could of been 101 reasons why it happened and I think it was down to network. Those issues have nothing to do with the performance of the iPhone. I would never go back to any other phone and believe me, I've had a lot of phones! I honestly cant see why anyone would not like the iphone?? Whats not to like? I think its down to people trying to rebel against apple (for some weird reason) and not wanted to be "branded" by owning one!


Now my turn to be flamed! :lol:

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  stanski said:
I am still happy with my ye olde worlde 3GS for now although wondering about restoring back to previous OS as new one has a few annoyances! Come on Apple get the basics right!


Your right Colin not as wonderful the wonderphone but it's sill perfect for my needs ;)




8gb 3G here mate :p


tried the new OS on it and it damn near stopped :lol:

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iPhone is more a fashion accessory than a tech device.


You can get exactly the same performance (better in some instances) without paying hundreds of pounds. Choosing to pay money for something you can get for free can only come down to vanity.


Don't get me wrong, I'm just as susceptible to new shiny things for the sake of new shiny things as anyone else but for once it would be nice to hear an iphone buyer admit they bought it purely to have the latest toy than trying to justify it on tech grounds when the rest of the phone world caught up or overtook them while they weren't looking.

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  MacW said:
iPhone is more a fashion accessory than a tech device.


You can get exactly the same performance (better in some instances) without paying hundreds of pounds. Choosing to pay money for something you can get for free can only come down to vanity.


Don't get me wrong, I'm just as susceptible to new shiny things for the sake of new shiny things as anyone else but for once it would be nice to hear an iphone buyer admit they bought it purely to have the latest toy than trying to justify it on tech grounds when the rest of the phone world caught up or overtook them while they weren't looking.


I'm an iPhone lover and apple hater :teeth:


I don't think it;s a case of people thinking it is the best purely on a teh basis, but it has consistantly been the best package. The user interface has always, and still is better than most, and the materials have always had a more premium feel to them. I think the iphone is still one of the few non plastic smartphones on the market? I personally love my 3G and will more than likely get a 4 once they sort issues out. I have tried, in vain, to find another phone that pleases me as much. Andriod phones are very good phones and the tech will surpass the iphone on some levels, but they just don't look or feel as good as an iPhone - simple really.

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Here we go again! For me I have never liked the posers who got iPhones ( oh and geeks) I hated them, got a Samsung Omnia ( good phone) cr@p os and user interface so got an iPhone interface copy to run on it but either way quality of the phone was pants! Clunky , slow not very logical but fully modifiable though, when I renewed contract it was actually cheaper for me to get an iPhone 3GS and never looked back. Don't advertise the fact I have one still hate iPhone bores droning on about the apps they got - who cares, build quality is spot on, interface second to none -agree it's not perfeect but no

Phone is. For me it does everything I need well and I do a lot of remote site surfing and all my apps are just the free ones I won't pay ( tight arse that I am).

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