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I'm probably going to get in sh*t loads of trouble for posting this, but I have a friend who is senior management in the NHS, and he has been in crisis meetings all day.....


The NHS is going to be Privatised!


This hasn't even hit the press yet - so just remember when it does you heard it here first ;)

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  SunGodRA said:
I'm probably going to get in sh*t loads of trouble for posting this, but I have a friend who is senior management in the NHS, and he has been in crisis meetings all day.....


The NHS is going to be Privatised!


This hasn't even hit the press yet - so just remember when it does you heard it here first ;)


so what do people think are going to be the main impacts.


my view is based on whats been done before, i.e privatised rail service, means increased prices and a worse service. with some areas which are good, but its pot luck depending on who runs that section.


same with water and the electric.


will be interesting to see what happens. will this mean we will all need health insurance and follow a similiar likes of the states ?

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health insurance :doh: and its not set up in any of our work benefits at the moment either, and thinking of how we get raped by insurance companies compared to other countries i can see this being a joke. If the NHS goes, why exactly are we bothering living in the UK? I sense a move out of the UK being on the cards for me.

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I'd imagine if this does go ahead then there will be major lay offs of office staff and the productivity of the NHS will be much improved.


As usual the scrotes will be best off as I'd imagine they'll get theirs paid and the normal working man will struggle to pay for private medical care.


I have private care but if everyone is private it loses it's perks (less waiting and private rooms etc etc)

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Somehow think this is going to be a bit of a blessing and a way of cutting down on the wastage that is involved in the NHS... Enough companys out there that could do a better job of running some of the hospitals then the people that currently run them...


Wont end up like the states as the NHS has always been free and they cant change it... Am guessing it will still be centrally funded...


Was on the cards the other day in the NHS speech esp when they talked about turning all into trusts..


Always had BUPA but never (touch wood) needed to use it as the NHS has got it sorted...

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I like the fact i can break my bones and the only thing i have to stress about is trying to pee in that cardboard thing they supply. It makes sports more fun.


I see what your saying fiddy.. they wouldnt ask you to get private stuff, they would just use the money currently used for paying a private comapny to do the same thing :thumbs:

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my first thought was it could be a good idea - privatisation introduces competition which means services have to be improved in order for them to survive etc


HOWEVER - this isn't how its going to work - The NHS will still exist as an organisation (but getting rid of all the PHCT etc) BUT they will still have a form of monopoly for those that can't afford to go private - so basically we will all have to pay regardless

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A mix of private and national is the way forward. They use it in the rest of Europe and their medical systems, for anybody who has ever been treated in Austria, Switzerland or Germany would agree is second to non.

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  rtbiscuit said:
if it cuts the wastage and improves services and i don't have to pay more for the privilege then im all for it


A few years ago I worked for a US IT company that had a branch over here (they were the biggest supplier of IT equipment to the NHS - I actually worked on the contract for managed email for 1.2 million NHS employees)


I lost count of the amount of meetings I had with NHS middle management that were basically overpaid, clueless civil servants - the only reason they worked there was because they couldn't get a real job in the private sector!!!


So yes - getting rid of the slackers and spending money on nurses/doctors instead is definitely a good thing

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OHHH I forgot to mention!!!!!!


Apparently, all middle and upper management are now being told to join UNISON (and other unions) and will be planning a strike so they can officially tell the public about this in an attempt to block the government from doing it

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Having seen first hand the emergency care given by both our NHS and a US hospital, the quicker we switch to their system the better off the vast majority of people on here will be (and that includes myself). Whilst we have some of the best frontline staff in the world here, they're stuck with equipment that is shockingly out of date in parts and working under a mountain of paperwork. Rip it all up and start again says I.

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  Husky said:
health insurance :doh: and its not set up in any of our work benefits at the moment either, and thinking of how we get raped by insurance companies compared to other countries i can see this being a joke. If the NHS goes, why exactly are we bothering living in the UK? I sense a move out of the UK being on the cards for me.


I'm with you Husky! I mean, seriously WTF?!


The math's couln't be more simple. If you employ a private company to do something, their main concern is (rightly for them) making money. So our tax payers money funds their dividend payment. I get the idea - bring in the best and brightest to run somehting better and the economic saving should fund their profit. in the real world it doesnt work like that. It's another cowards attempt by a government unable to affect change and improve the basic running of a service.


Don't privatise. Pull your finger out and fix whats wrong. 1 purely exec manager per 9 medical staff in hospitals is a good place to start looking.


I'm sick of getting the bollocks taxed off me, services getting worse and to make things worse found out the other day that next year my commuter train form the m25 to central london is going to go up by 10% again this year (it's £293 per month already).


I feel this rant getting out of control...........................

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I work on the railway, so i know abit about privitisation, i didn't go through it myself as i joined afterwards, but my old man did.


To start with i think it will do the hosipitals a world of good, as all the different companies that will be created by this will all be competing to offer the best services, which will mean increased cleanliness, treatment, lower waiting times etc,


Hopefully theres no cutbacks in years to come as we've all seen on the railway.

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Think it would be a good thing. Don't forget we are already part of the way there already with NHS Treatment Centres who get rid of the waiting lists for straight forward operations. i.e Hips, knees, varicous vains etc. These hospitals are funded by private organisations and are staffed by personnel who have not worked in the NHS for at least 3 months. A lot of Polish/Hungarian/Swedish nurses and doctors. They do a top job!

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