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So.... i'm now phoneless!!!!


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Having bought my brother's iphone 3g off him for a measly £70 with shattered glass, but fully working touch screen, i decided to buy the new glass and repair it.


Step 1. order from ebay the new glass.

Step 2. glass arrives and i open a guide i found but hadn't previously read.

Step 3. take the iphone to bits as far as the glass and digitizer

Step 3. swear alot :angry: and throw the closest thing to hand at the wall in a rage when i realised i could neither remove the digitizer from the old glass without breaking it, nor could i put it back together because some of the old glass had crumbled away due to it shattering :rant: !

step 4. calm down, pick my toys back up and put them back in my pram, and order the correct part

step 5. try and piece back together the only spare phone in the house which was said closest thing to hand and now lay in about 8 pieces on the floor!

step 6. google anger management classes

step 7. explain to my boss why i will be unreachable by phone for a few days


iphone 3g with broken glass - £70

new glass from ebay - £6.50

losing my temper at my own stuidity - £78.50 (£50 for spare phone, £8.50 for correct part, £10 for a tub of filler to repair the phone shaped hole in the wall)


trying to explain to my girlfriend why i had thrown our emergency phone at the wall, thus creating a mess of the wall - £priceless!!! :stretcher:

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