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Auto or manual ?


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thats old talk that auto drinks more... its down to driving... you need to be able to drive an auto, far different from driving a manual IMO. I'd go auto for family salon car and manual for the Z without question... It DOES however come down to how many miles you plan on doing and what type of driving that'll be. In city traffic auto is SO nice to have :D If you do country roads and not loads of traffic and plan some track work I would not go automatic. Also if you consider resale value and able to sell most people tend to stay clear of auto...

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I have an auto and its a dream to drive. If I'm leathering it around country lanes, then I use the tip tronic box . Best of both worlds.


Just returned from a trip from the lakes and it was as smooth as silk. I agree resale value may be affected, but on 95% of my trips its stop start so the auto is perfect for me.



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  davetstan said:
I have an auto and its a dream to drive. If I'm leathering it around country lanes, then I use the tip tronic box . Best of both worlds.


Just returned from a trip from the lakes and it was as smooth as silk. I agree resale value may be affected, but on 95% of my trips its stop start so the auto is perfect for me.





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  350zpete said:
  maz0 said:
There are plenty test's on the internet to find out wither you are gay or straight, I suggest you do one of those first and then make your decision! :p




Be a man not a mouse ;)

So... which one is for straight and which is for gay? Easiest would be to see what type of car gay people drive right?



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  ace said:
it's a sports car so my opinion should be manuel box an auto will never be as responsive as the manuel unless it's one of the new autoboxes out with double cluches like the new 370z :D


It depends what sort of auto box you compare. There are some auto boxes that will change gear in 60 milliseconds that are not double clutch technology, which also perform brilliantly in full auto mode. The historic view of a manual stick being the "proper" way to drive is fast disappearing. Look at most modern day sports cars and you will find that the majority are offered with "auto" transmission and an increasing number don't even offer the option of a manual box.

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I've got an auto one of the main reasons was the heavy clutch on the manual z :thumbdown: , tbh I find it a great drive and when I push it across into tiptronic the car is even better . It's the third auto / tiptronic iv owned - alfa and FTO, And definitely the best :teeth:

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  Chesterfield said:
  ace said:
it's a sports car so my opinion should be manuel box an auto will never be as responsive as the manuel unless it's one of the new autoboxes out with double cluches like the new 370z :D


It depends what sort of auto box you compare. There are some auto boxes that will change gear in 60 milliseconds that are not double clutch technology, which also perform brilliantly in full auto mode. The historic view of a manual stick being the "proper" way to drive is fast disappearing. Look at most modern day sports cars and you will find that the majority are offered with "auto" transmission and an increasing number don't even offer the option of a manual box.

Mmm I think you're correct but I'd want a sequential type gearbox and not really flappy gearbox on the steering. Having experience with both the geatronic in the current Volvo and the Altezza RS200 has the tip tronic on the steering. Find that the DSG box in the Golf GTI is pretty good, haven't had the luxury to test the GTR R35 box or any other more luxury type gearboxes really. Cost of repairing a autobox is a big turnoff too...

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